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When To Call The Doctor Or Apply First Aid If Your Child Has An Accident

When To Call The Doctor Or Apply First Aid If Your Child Has An Accident

Take your child to the hospital if they;

  • stop breathing
  • are struggling for breath (for example, you may notice sucking in under the ribcage)
  • are unconscious or seems unaware of what’s going on
  • won’t wake up
  • have a fit for the first time, even if they seem to recover
  • have a fever and are persistently lethargic despite having paracetamol or ibuprofen
  • are having difficulty breathing (breathing fast, panting or are very wheezy)
  • have severe abdominal pain
  • have a cut that won’t stop bleeding or is gaping open
  • have a leg or arm injury and can’t use the limb
  • have swallowed a poison or tablets
  • If your child has something lodged firmly in their nose or ear, leave it where it is. If you try to remove it, you may push it further in. Take your child to the nearest accident and emergency department or minor injury unit. If their nose is blocked, show your child how to breathe through their mouth.
  • If your child has a button battery lodged in their nose or ear, they should be seen as a matter of urgency.

First Apply First Aid at home;

if your child has a cut. If there’s a lot of bleeding, press firmly on the wound with a clean cloth, such as a tea towel or flannel. If you don’t have one, use your fingers. Press until the bleeding stops. This may take 10 minutes or more. Don’t tie anything around the injury so tightly that it stops the circulation. If possible, raise the injured limb. This will help to stop the bleeding. Don’t do it if you think the limb might be broken. If you can find a clean dressing, cover the wound. If blood soaks through the pad or dressing, leave it there and put another pad or dressing over the top.

It’s very unusual for a wound to bleed so much that there’s serious blood loss.

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