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Baby Given 1% Chance To Survive Defies Doctors To Live

Baby Given 1% Chance To Survive Defies Doctors To Live

A couple whose premature baby was given a 1% chance of survival has defied all odds and will soon be celebrating her first birthday.

According to the Daily Mail, Doctors had warned 20-year-old mum , Sadie Cratchley that the chances of her daughter Kaci-Rose surviving were almost zero. Kaci –Rose weighed 1lb and 2oz after an emergency natural birth.

In the UK abortion is legal up to 24 weeks but doctors had told Sadie that if she had gone into labour a day earlier they would not have tried to save Kaci-Rose.

Sadie said: ‘She was literally the size of my hand when she was born. She was bright red and her skin was really sticky. You could see all her veins. I don’t know why I went into labour so early, but if I had gone into hospital a day earlier they would have sent me home to have a miscarriage. They wouldn’t have even attempted to do anything at 22 weeks and six days, but my birth was all normal and after that the chance of Kaci-Rose surviving went up to 25 per cent.’

Sadie and her husband Marc, were asked if they wanted their baby to be saved before doctors attended to her. After birth Kaci-Rose was attached to tubes to aid her breathing because of tiny and undeveloped lungs.

It was only after 11 weeks on a ventilator that Sadie was able to hold her daughter. Kaci-Rose also had to have eye surgery at three months because her blood vessels were not developing properly and had to spend six months in the hospital to be monitored before she could go home.

At home she was still attached to a monitor to measure her heart rate and oxygen levels and still depends on a tube to get oxygen.

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Relieved and excited, Sadie said: ‘She is eight months old now but has the development of a four month old. She weighs 8lbs 7oz and is about 56cm long now, so about the size of a newborn. We were told she will probably have cerebral palsy but it is too early to tell yet.  We were also told she would be blind and deaf but she can hear and see some things. So far she has proved everyone wrong. I’m very thrilled with how far she has come. It has been very bumpy and emotional and it is still hard. We take each day as it comes but at the moment we are just enjoying spending time with her and doing absolutely everything we can to make sure she has a normal life.’




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