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Adolescent Menstrual Disorders: M2-Tone To The Rescue

Adolescent Menstrual Disorders: M2-Tone To The Rescue

Young patients and their parents frequently have difficulty assessing what constitutes normal menstrual cycles or patterns of bleeding; and girls may be unfamiliar with what is normal and may not inform their parents about menstrual irregularities or missed menses.

Others are unaware that their bleeding patterns are abnormal and may be attributable to significant underlying medical issues with the potential for long-term health consequences.

According to American Academy of Paediatrics, a number of medical conditions can cause irregular or missed menses in adolescents. It says though adolescent girls do experience secondary amenorrhea – the absence of menses for six months – it is valuable to begin evaluation of secondary amenorrhea after the absence of menses for 90 days. It recommends that girls and adolescents with chaotically irregular cycles with more than three months between periods should be evaluated, not reassured that it is “normal” to have irregular periods in the first gynaecologic years.

Doctors warn that irregular menses may be due to many conditions, including pregnancy, endocrine disorders, and acquired medical conditions.

Commonly, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – a condition in which a woman has an imbalance of female sex hormones, which may lead to menstrual cycle changes, cysts in the ovaries, trouble getting pregnant and other health changes – causes prolonged intervals between menstrual periods.

In testing the efficacy of a herbo-mineral preparation – M2-Tone — for the treatment of reproductive dysfunction among women, two Indian researchers, Drs. Preeti Dubey and Prasan R. Bhandari, say subjects complained of irregular menstruation (oligomenorrhoea), short or scanty menstrual periods (hypomenorrhoea), abnormal uterine bleeding that causes abnormally frequent menstruation (polymenorrhea), uterine bleeding occurring at irregular intervals, and sometimes of prolonged duration, which can sometimes serve as an increased risk for cancer, polyps, and endometriosis (metrorrhagia), excessive amount or duration of menstrual flow (menorrhagia), dysfunctional uterine bleeding, and pain during menstruation that interferes with daily activities (dysmenorrhoea).

They report that each of the patients was put on two tablets of M2-Tone or two table spoonfuls of M2-Tone thrice a day for a period of three to six months. The subjects were then monitored for regularity of menses (frequency and duration), pain, blood flow, etc.

At the end of the exercise, results show that almost 80 per cent of the patients were relieved of their symptoms within three months of treatment with M2-Tone, while the response rate increased to near 100 per cent by the end of the six-month study period.

The patients were asked to grade the relief they obtained an increasing scale of 10. At the end of the three-month treatment period, the average scale given by the patients was 7.68; while at the end of the six month period, the patient satisfaction level had reached the level of 9.43, which indicates that the patients perceived M2-Tone as extremely effective in relieving their complaints.

The researchers concluded that that M2-Tone is valuable and safe alternative to the conventional hormonal therapy in managing functional menstrual disorders of adolescents.

M2-Tone is marketed exclusively in Nigeria by Fidson Healthcare Plc, and available in all leading pharmacies nationwide. For more information, please call 0816692724.

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