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Man Takes Selfie While Wife Labours to Birth their Baby

Man Takes Selfie While Wife Labours to Birth their Baby

The image of a man who busied himself taking a selfie while his wife laboured in the background has gone viral on Reddit.

While most of the people who posted a response envisaged that the man was going to get into trouble with his wife after the birth of their baby, the dad-to-be assured this was not so.

The man, who posts under gilsolano12, shared the picture with the caption:

“My wife wanted to make sure that someone took a picture of the expression on our faces when our daughter was born today. So I took one.”

The first response to his post was:

“Aw. See, this is kind of like when she says “No! I don’t want anything for our anniversary. Just a card is fine. She’s going to kick your ass for this. Congrats on the baby, OP!”

The proud dad responded that his wife was quite happy about the picture and even joined in herself a few minutes after:

“Yeah, I actually took this pic to send to her brothers who kept asking how it was going. I showed it to her in between pushes and she cracked up. Now I’m reading her all of you guys comments while she feeds our healthy 7lb 6 oz girl.
P.S. Her mom took pics of our reactions 10 mins later :)”

See Also

Another dad responded:

“Congratulations man! I just had my first child this morning as well, what a surreal and amazing feeling huh?”

Was your husband in the labour room with you? Share the memories with us below.

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