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6 Tips To Induce Labour Naturally

6 Tips To Induce Labour Naturally

Are you pregnant and over 40 weeks gone, already past your due date, yet your baby isn’t showing any real signs of coming? Here are some natural ways you can induce the onset of labour.


Walking is considered safe. A pregnant woman is in the upright position when she walks, so this movement helps to heighten the weight that the baby’s head places on the cervix and positions the baby for labour. Taking a long walk helps to induce labor.
CAUTION: Never go on a long walk alone, just incase your labour starts then. If you must go alone, then take a mobile phone with you, so you can call for immediate help and tell someone where you’re going?

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There has been no scientific affirmation to prove its efficacy. This is more of an Old Wives’ Tale which probably has worked for some women who have tried it. Curry and other spicy foods are known to stimulate bowel movement which stimulates the uterus in return.
CAUTION: This method may not be a good idea if you are prone to heartburn and may cause diarrhea if you are not used to it.


Eating plenty of fresh pineapples at once helps to induce labor because they contain a proteolytic enzyme, known as bromelin. This enzyme is said to soften the cervix, therefore bringing labor.
CAUTION: The amount of bromelin contained in a single pineapple is small, so you may have to eat a large amount of fresh pineapples to have an effect. Eating too much pineapples, especially when your body isn’t used to it may cause diarrhea.

READ ALSO: 6 Natural Ways to Induce Labour

Sex is probably the last thing on your mind at this stage of your pregnancy, and it’s also not easy to have because of your big tummy. Try the spoon position, where your partner enters from behind. Sex helps to release a hormone called oxytocin which causes the uterus to contract. Semen, on the other hand, contains prostaglandins, a hormone which is involved in the start of labor and can also soften the cervix. For best results, stay reclined for some minutes after intercourse by elevating your hips. By doing so, the semen remains on your cervix long enough to thin and dilate it.
CAUTION: Do not have sex after your water has broken to avoid the risk of infection. Avoid sex if you have vaginal bleeding or if your placenta is lying low, otherwise known as Placenta Praevia.

READ ALSO: 10 Medical Reasons A Pregnant Woman May Have A C-Section

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Gently, but firmly rub your palm in a circular motion on the areola area of your nipple. This should be done periodically, up to 3 times a day and for an hour for it to be effective. Massage one breast at a time. A breast pump may also be use to imitate the sucking action of a baby. Nipple stimulation produces pretty much the same result as sex because it releases a contraction hormone, oxytocin, which dilates the cervix.
CAUTION: It is only recommended in normal pregnancies, and should not be done without the approval of your doctor.


This is a Chinese traditional practice which is generally considered safe. It involves the insertion of thin and painless needles into certain pressure points of the body. The needles
CAUTION: A few sessions with an expert may be needed before seeing results.

Even though, these tips are considered safe for you and your unborn child, never try them out without first consulting with your gynecologist.

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