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Ways to Ditch the Mummy Guilt (Part 2)

Ways to Ditch the Mummy Guilt (Part 2)

Chiomah Momah

Yesterday, we shared tips on how mums can curb those feelings of guilt they’re often trapped in (read here). Find more useful tips below:

Make the most of vacations: Rather than schedule your leave when your children are in school, aim for their long vacations. This way, you can really bond with them. Make sure that such vacations are filled with fun activities that the whole family can engage in, and not just a shopping vacation.

Put down your badge: You know that one that says, ‘SUPER MUM?’ It’s time to put it down and give yourself a break! Many mums in the bid to be perfect end up losing sight of what’s important, which is showing their child pure unconditional love. To be a super mum in the true sense, all you need is to love your child, love yourself and be ready to do your best. Make mistakes but make sure to learn from them to get better.

READ ALSO: Little But Significant Ways to Show Your Child Love Every Day

Stay positive: Okay, so you know all the stuff you’re doing wrong, how about celebrating what you do right? You may not have been able to buy your child that expensive gift but you are able to do homework with your child very night, and that’s commendable. When you ask your child what’s most important to them, you will find that it’s the little things you do that makes them think you’re the best mum ever. For instance, they may prefer a lazy Saturday spent at home with you than going to that movie without you. Stay positive and try not to sweat the small stuff. If you didn’t spend enough time with your child today, then try and make it up to them tomorrow.

See Also

Don’t judge yourself nor let yourself be judged: I know you wish you were just like that friend of yours who seems to be the perfect mum. She breastfed her three children till they were almost one, has never missed one school event, meets all her targets at work or doesn’t even have to work at all! While it’s very good to aspire to be better in your role as a mum, you may find that you’re not doing badly at all if you’re not too hard on yourself. Don’t ever try to be a star in another person’s movie, because you will find yourself falling short. Instead, try to be the best mum you can in your own unique set of circumstances.

Mummy guilt shows that you want to give your children the best, and in all honesty, that alone is a good sign. Just try to make amends where you can and don’t give yourself a hard time.

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