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7 Remedies for Itchy Skin During Pregnancy

7 Remedies for Itchy Skin During Pregnancy

According to the NHS UK, mild itching is common in pregnancy because of the increased blood supply to the skin. Later on, as your bump grows, the skin of your tummy (abdomen) is stretched and this may also feel itchy. Mild itching is usually nothing to worry about, but if the itching becomes severe, it can be a sign of a liver condition called obstetric cholestasis, or intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP). This affects fewer than 1 in 100 pregnant women, but needs medical attention.

In the case of mild itching, here are a few things you can try out for temporary relief:

1. Don’t scratch. Tempting as it may be, grating away at your skin only causes more irritation.

2. Try not to get too hot. Heat rash can make itching worse, so wear loose, cotton clothing and stay indoors or in the shade if it’s really hot. It may not be good for your baby if you overheat, in any case.

3. Avoid hot showers and baths because they dry out your skin. For optimum relief, make sure the bath is warm, not hot, and gently pat yourself dry afterward.

4. Moisturize. Use a gentle fragrance-free moisturizer to temporarily curb the itching such as shea butter. Apply it frequently and generously. Also applying moisturizer that you keep in the refrigerator may further reduce itching.

5. Some women find that products with strong perfumes can irritate their skin, so you could try using plain lotion or soap.

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6. Soak it up. A gentle oatmeal bath with warm water can work wonders for dry skin — just make sure the water’s not too hot.

7. Ensure that you wear clean and dry clothing every day. Clothes rub against your skin, significantly affecting the dryness on the upper layer of the skin. Opt for loose clothing to feel lighter.

WARNING: ICP is a liver disease specific to pregnancy, and is caused by high levels of bile acids (chemicals in the liver that aid digestion).

It is characterised by unexplained itching, usually with no rash, though this isn’t always the case; women may notice their urine has become darker, and they may feel generally unwell and tired.
The disease can occur as early as six weeks, although is more common later in pregnancy.

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