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9 Sure-fire Ways Pregnant Women Can Get Better Sleep At Night

9 Sure-fire Ways Pregnant Women Can Get Better Sleep At Night

Due to factors including the growing baby bump, fluctuating hormones, leg cramps, frequent urination, baby movements, upsetting dreams, anxiety and stress, a lot of pregnant women struggle with getting enough sleep at night.

If you are pregnant and struggling to sleep, here are 9 sure-fire tips to help you get more uninterrupted sleep at night…

1. Limit fluid intake three hours before bedtime. This will help minimize your bathroom trips during the night. For bathroom trips, use a night-light as research says exposure to bright light, even for few seconds, alerts the brain and may make it difficult to return to sleep.

2. Avoid eating heavy meals and acidic or spicy foods close to bedtime. These can trigger heartburn or indigestion, adding to the list of discomforts that will keep interrupted sleep at bay. It’s always best to eat light meals for dinner and wait 2 – 3 hour for it to digest before retiring to bed.

You should also avoid drinks containing caffeine, especially close to bedtime, as they may contribute to keeping you awake at night. These include coffee and soft drinks.

READ ALSO: 8 Common Sleep Busters During Pregnancy & What to Do

3. Have a soothing bedtime routine. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and introduce routines that will help you relax before retiring to bed such as a warm bath or massage from your spouse. Remember to turn off the lights as well as electronic devices and keep the room cool.

4. Sleep on your side. This reduces the pressure on your uterus, relieves backaches and helps you breathe better. Try to sleep on your left side as it is said that this position promotes the supply of blood and nutrients to your baby and uterus, while aiding elimination of waste and excess fluids.

5. Eat a wholesome diet, take a good prenatal supplement and stay hydrated. Those leg cramps that keep you awake may be caused by deficiencies in some needed vitamins and minerals.

Dehydration may also trigger leg cramps, so, stay hydrated by aiming to drink eight glasses of water daily.

Engaging in simple exercises, such as swimming or a 20-miute walk in the mornings, may also help.

6. Try to curb anxiety. Don’t worry about the things you have to do the next day. Write them down instead and figure out a course of action to get them done before bedtime to free up your mind. Ask for help when overwhelmed.

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Talking to your spouse, friends and family about your other worries will also keep you reassured and may help foster better sleep.

7. Have a cozy bed. Make sure your bed is comfortable enough to aid quality sleep and invest in lots of maternity pillows to support your changing body.

8. Get up if you can’t sleep. Don’t keep tossing and turning. If you can’t sleep, get up and go into another room. Try doing something else like listening to soothing music or reading until you feel sleepy again.

Talk to your doctor if nothing helps, especially if you constantly feel exhausted.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

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