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Dear MIMsters: I’m TTC But Hubby Is Just Too Lazy In The Bedroom

Dear MIMsters: I’m TTC But Hubby Is Just Too Lazy In The Bedroom

I am 25 years old. I got married last year October despite my parents not being in support of our union – they say he is not as educated as I am.

At first, my husband and I decided to wait before having children due to a financial crisis he found himself in. I later started experiencing irregular menstruation and consulted a doctor. I was told it was high prolactin level which was making my period irregular and put on drugs. I subsequently told my husband who is a public servant about my situation and how we needed to change plans, and he was good with it.

I started medications in February, but noticed my husband doesn’t want to have sex with me anymore. It started like a joke but became worse recently. We only get intimate 2 times a month and in odd cases, 3 times a month.

When I sat him down to dialogue with him, he told me he was “saving his energy”. It’s either he is sick this month or having headache during ovulation. I have tried everything possible to attract him (ranging from sexy wears to massage to even prayers) but all seems not to entice him. He comes home late and faces his laptop. In most cases, he brings friends home till around midnight before discharging them. When he is through, he just jumps on the bed and snores.

Usually, sex is always one round with him and I still don’t complain but recently, one round has reduced to one minute. He just clamps and that’s all. I feel bad because I only see my menstrual circle when I use drugs, so every ovulation counts to me. I’m also scared because he has a child out there, somewhere that his family knows of.

The most painful part is that I can’t tell my parents because they never supported our union. I can’t tell his family either as they will tag me barren. Can’t tell pastor because I don’t want them to ridicule us together and use us as gospel examples. I can’t tell anyone but smile when I am dying inside.

I started this month’s ovulation on Wednesday and he has been unnecessarily angry with me. It took prayers before he could pull off his usual one minute with me two days ago.

Please what should I do? Doctor said only conception can regulate my hormonal imbalances. Please help me.

View Comments (10)
  • It is well, just trust and believe God for a change in the life of your husband, and pls don’t keep quiet, voice out, look for someone to share your story with, a close mouth is a closed destiny

  • wish i new what to say…if only we could see d future there are something’s we would save our self from….

  • He is doing it on purpose. He doesn’t want kids yet maybe because he already has one which is not fair to you. Keep talking to him and pray God touches him.

  • Keep praying for him, you decided to marry for a reason only you and God knows so keep praying for him and keeep enticing him also don’t stop talking about it . Let him know it’s his duty and he has to fulfill it take matters into your own hand if need be. He his a man he will respond .. I pray every thing works out for u .

  • He has something to hide and you should sit down again and have a heart to heart talk – not about getting pregnant but the whole relationship. If he has a problem, there are ways to treat it. A public servant is never that busy. If situation remains the same, find help and don’t be ashamed. You are too young for this much stress which will not help in your TTC. I pray all works out for you

  • please spike his drink next month. if persuation fails apply force. there are lots in the market

  • he already got one out there he doesn’t care of having another, watch him very well his attitude change after you people gotten married that means you forced him to marry you. so, tell him you want to divorce him and see his reactions you will see that he doesn’t love, care about you. he preferred the woman out than yours. keep on praying for him and let your pastor know what you are passing through. and you will see the outcome

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