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Burn Extra Calories, Increase Your Metabolism With These 5 Steps

Burn Extra Calories, Increase Your Metabolism With These 5 Steps

Your probably hitting the gym 5 days a week, combining all those strenuous workout combo moves with taking the kids to school, a full time job and you’re still not loosing enough weight or any? To make matters worse, you aren’t getting enough sleep. Here are five ways you can keep those extra calories at bay and get your self back in shape:

1) Exercise

Shona Wilkinson, Nutritionist at says that it is advisable to build muscle because it is metabolically active. This means it requires fuel in the form of calories just to maintain it even when you are sitting doing nothing. So the more muscle you have, the more calories you use up, and, the more fat you will burn. This is probably one of the reasons why men tend to find it easier to lose weight than women because they have more muscles.

2) Switch to Coconut Oil

If you want to boost metabolism, coconut oil is the place to be. Coconut oil is made up of unique fats called medium chain triglycerides. This is an instant source of fuel in favor of being stored as fat. Use coconut oil to prepare your stews and soups instead of the normal cooking oil. A perfect excuse to eat more fat and lose way more fat; call it double blessing.

3) Quit Dieting

Dr. Marilyn Glenville, author of Natural Alternatives to Sugar ( tells us to stop dieting. Surprised? “Otherwise your body will think there’s a famine, which it perceives as a stress and this makes you store and hold on to fat,” she says. Maybe that’s why all those hours of going to the gym and dieting at the same time aren’t really panning out as you hoped?

4) Don’t Miss Your Breakfast

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Grab something little to eat in the morning! Never ever miss your morning boost of goodness. If you miss breakfast completely your body immediately registers famine and hangs on tight to your stores of fat. Eat an apple, Fortified cereals, banana. something!

5) Eat essential fats

A lot of people run away from fats completely in the bid to lose weight, which is a common mistake and a very wrong one. There are essential fatty acids, found in oily fish, nuts and seeds and helps to boost metabolism. Our diets today are filled with low saturated fats which means that you are missing out on the good ones.


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