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9 Things You Probably Didn’t Know Should Be Avoided During Pregnancy

9 Things You Probably Didn’t Know Should Be Avoided During Pregnancy

As you already know, pregnancy is a critical time that calls for lots of extra caution. Find 9 things you probably didn’t know should be avoided to foster having a healthy pregnancy…

1. Hot tubs & saunas. As pleasurable as you may find soaking in hot Jacuzzis or tub, overheating may put your developing baby at a higher risk of having birth defects. Avoid these, steam or heated pools and saunas, especially in the first trimester.

In addition, avoid excessive use of hot water bags in the torso area to prevent getting the uterus overheated. Your developing baby doesn’t have the ability to sweat and cool down in the womb, so, very higher temperatures can raise theirs to dangerous levels. Try to keep your temperature below 101°F and check frequently using a rectal thermometre. You should also drink lots of water, especially in hot weather, to regulate your body temperature and keep you well hydrated.

2. Amusement park rides. Resist the temptation to join your kids for rides at amusement parks, even in early pregnancy. It is said that forceful landing or a sudden stop or start may be harmful to baby.

3. Cycling. If you are an experienced rider, you may continue cycling till your second trimester when a shifting center of gravity usually affects your balance, but ask your doctor first to be sure. Inexperienced riders, however, should avoid cycling by all means as it can be dangerous. A stationary bike may be a safer option.

4. Contact sports. It doesn’t matter how much expertise you have or how much you are addicted to any of these sports. Basketball, football and volleyball should be avoided as they put you at a high risk of an injury, a fall or collision with another player.

5. Diving. Air bubbles can form in the bloodstream when you surface from the water, cutting off oxygen circulation. This can adversely affect your developing baby.

6. Horseback riding. Even if you are a very skilled rider, you can still fall off the horse and risk having a miscarriage. Avoid throughout pregnancy.

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7. Dieting. Avoid placing yourself on a diet with the aim to lose weight. Some pregnant women resort to this following alarming weight gain – you should talk to your doctor instead. For women who do this based on wanting to keep fit, note that not gaining enough weight can put you at risk of having a miscarriage, premature birth, or impede baby’s development.

8. Standing on your feet frequently. This often causes varicose veins and accumulation of fluids, leading to swelling in the legs and feet. Put your feet up as often as possible.

9. X-rays. It is advised that X-rays be avoided during pregnancy unless the abdomen is protected with a lead apron to prevent exposure to radiation which can adversely affect how DNA replicates or how cells grow and perform, contributing to genetic damage. It may also cause intrauterine death and other defects.

Overall, quit any activity that makes you experience any of these symptoms: painful contractions, vaginal bleeding,  fluid leaking from the vagina, blurred vision, pain in your abdomen or chest, extreme fatigue, dizziness or fainting, heart palpitations and calf pain or swelling. Remember to always seek your doctor’s advice whenever in doubt.

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