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15 Year Old Boy Commits Suicide in His Family’s Home | His Reason is Sad & Silly

15 Year Old Boy Commits Suicide in His Family’s Home | His Reason is Sad & Silly

Michael Sheehan, his wife and family are bearing the loss of their teenage son, Ceri Sheehan, who hung himself in their family garden, after his iPad was seized by his father.

The deceased’s father, a project manager, who resides with his family in St. Albans in Hatfield, England, explained to the authorities that he had not noticed anything strange before finding his son hanging in the garden. Micheal also said that he and his wife had agreed to take away his gadget from him, because he always stayed up late using the device. The teenager reportedly argued that he should be allowed to keep his iPad, but his doting parents felt otherwise.

His dad, Michael, found all the lights on when he went downstairs at 6 a.m the following day, but he assumed that his son, who was into photography,  was out taking photographs. A search of the house led to the discovery of Ceri’s body hanging in the garden, as Punch reports.

An ambulance was called to the house, but Ceri was declared dead at the scene. A post-mortem examination found the cause of death was strangulation. They also learnt that the teenager had been suffering from depression and had attempted suicide with an overdose of pills a year earlier.

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