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4 Tips On How to Create a Polite Child Everyone Will Love

4 Tips On How to Create a Polite Child Everyone Will Love

Who doesn’t want a child who can easily warm their way into people’s hearts? In an era (social media) where values are quickly eroding, meeting a polite child is like a breathe of a fresh air.

Below are 4 tips to help go back to basics on how to raise a polite child:

1: Give time rather than presents

If you give gifts as a way to encourage good behavior or to make up for lost time on your part, truth is you are spoiling them. Offer them your time instead,  even if it is the promise of it on the weekend when you can actually give it. Rather than bringing presents, it would be far better if parents promised to play a game, read a story or plan an outing on the weekend with their children. Talk about what you might do together during the weekend. Ask them to tell you about how their day at school went. Children just want some attention.

2: Good manners go a long way

If you let your child get away with cheeky behavior at home, you’re doing them a disservice in the years to come. Charity really does begin at home. A child that does not know better will also be rude outside the home, making it difficult to make friends or be liked. This may lead to such a child being a bully or be bullied. Encourage your child to be polite and curb bad behaviors.

3: Show them the worth of money

If you shower your children with cash without them having to earn it, you’re not providing them with the necessary money skills as they grow. Many children are given pocket money, which is okay, but the amount should be minimal, not extravagant. They need to learn how to save for something they really want or to do some work around the house for a bit of extra cash. This will help them appreciate the value of hard work.

See Also

4: Don’t spoil your kids with food

While your kids might beg for chocolate and lollies, giving in too often will lead to detrimental side effects on their mood, body image and performance at school, and health in the long run. The easiest way to keep sweet treats in check is by not having them in the house where they can easily be found, and giving them as once-a-week treats instead.


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