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5 Signs You Are a Modern Mum

5 Signs You Are a Modern Mum

We respect our mothers who raised us with their own motherhood tactics and strategies available to them during their era. As the days and years go by, modern mums are rising, with their own new styles of parenting.

Sometimes, they even get the occasional frowns and gasps from the older generation of mums. Grandmas and mamas, we are sure that they love you and respect you as much, but the world seems to be changing fast, and they are adding a bit more swag to motherhood. Here are 5 signs you are a modern day mum yourself:

1. They are impacted by technology, social media and the Internet

This generation is very Internet savvy, so it might not be a shock that modern moms are highly connected to it. Despite it’s very diverse and sometimes controversial or misleading content, the Internet is a valuable resource. Apart from the Internet, this class of women have the latest technological gadgets that helps them stay in touch with the world. Modern mums commonly use different social media accounts, namely Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, etc.

2. They love to share information

Most modern mums love to share information about purchases they’ve made and services they’ve used — everything from grocery store brands to health insurance plans and financial investments. Remember the viral video of a mum sharing what she found inside her child’s Caprisone pack? Bet you that’s a modern mum. What’s more, they have listeners. They are asked for their recommendations and advise ranging from food, exercise, and a lot more.

3. They create time for themselves

“Me time” is a hot commodity for this new generation of moms. For the ones who can afford it, they get someone to tackle their daily lists just to create some time for themselves, How? By getting a manicure, a massage, going swimming etc. They are in top shape as they exercise regularly, eat healthy and always incorporate the “fitfam” lifestyle into their daily routines.

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4. They find creative ways to engage 

We all know about the various Instagram health based accounts, either dealing with food, weight-loss, mothering twins, all boys, all girls, the list goes on. The interesting aspect is these are all modern day mums! They find ways to bring you into their lives, letting you know just enough to keep you coming back to their social media pages or blogs for more.

5. They are really smart

Power moms are all around us! For instance, you hear about a woman who runs a company, has a very successful business, and is running a household of 4 children and a husband… You see a young woman graduating with a first class honor and having her 14-month-old toddler right by her side. It’s not surprising to know that modern day mums are extremely smart!

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