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42% of Children who Die from Diarrhea are in Nigeria & India | But Deaths are Decreasing

42% of Children who Die from Diarrhea are in Nigeria & India | But Deaths are Decreasing

BBC reports that according to the new Global Burden of Disease study, it was discovered that well over a third (42%) of deaths in children happen in Nigeria and India from diarrhoea.

“Diarrheal diseases disproportionately affect young children, despite some promising reductions in mortality, the devastating impact of these diseases cannot be overlooked.” said lead author Dr Ali Mokdad, from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington.

The study also concludes that  better access to clean water and sanitation is key, with fewer weak and malnourished children becoming infected. New vaccines have also been developed and seen to be very helpful. However, diarrhea still remains the fourth-biggest killer of children globally, with almost 500,000 a year dying before their fifth birthday. This figure is however not certain as their is not enough data in sub-Saharan Africa, where most cases occur.

This report further goes to educate that diarrheal diseases, such as rotavirus and cholera, are spread by water contaminated with faeces. They are preventable and treatable. Diarrhoeal diseases are said to claim the lives of nearly half a million children under five each year. A devastating number that the WHO (World Health Organisation) is doing its best to curb.

WHO also divulged in this study, that while deaths from diarrhoea have dropped by just over 20% overall, and 34% in children, the rate of infection has been falling far more slowly.

Yael Velleman, the senior policy analyst on health and hygiene at WaterAid said that children’s life chances were limited by preventable illness.

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“We’re encouraged to see fewer children dying of diarrhoea. But it is unacceptable that diarrhoea still claims the lives of nearly half a million children under five each year. Up to 50% of under-nutrition is linked to chronic infection, diarrhoea and worm infestation caused by dirty water and poor hygiene”

How to prevent diarrhoea:

  • Access to safe drinking-water
  • Improved sanitation
  • Hand washing with soap
  • Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life
  • Good personal and food hygiene
  • Education about how infections spread
  • Rotavirus vaccination
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