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5 Things to Consider to Successful Raise a Child as a Single Mum

5 Things to Consider to Successful Raise a Child as a Single Mum

Raising a child without the support of a partner can be quite challenging. It is, however, not impossible. Here are 5 ways you can be a successful single mum.

1. Get more support. Although it is not always easy for single mothers to ask for help, they can succeed if they look for support from trusted relatives and friends. You know what they say about taking a village to raise a child. Your village constitutes of people you can trust in your neighbour, family, teachers,  friends or parents of children your children are friends with. Make a list of these people you can rely on for child care, transportation, baby sitting, home maintenance, or emotional support.

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2. Readjust your priorities. Single mothers should be realistic about what they can achieve and cannot achieve in a day. So adjust your priorities and stick to them, then manage your time and finances accordingly. Some single parents are the sole providers and at such usually under a strict budget. Therefore to effectively manage your  finances, focus on the necessities.

Manage your time by working of the most important tasks as soon as you can. Do not procrastinate.

3. Set clear boundaries. According to a study, there’s a tendency for single mums or parents to over indulge their children just to avoid a fight. If you thread on this path, it mostly likely won’t end well. Therefore, take the bull by the horn by setting reasonable boundaries. Be firm, consistent in enforcing your rules. Don’t feel too guilty about your situation as a single parent that you will become permissive.

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4. Make peace with your past. Single mothers should not hold on to the past or be bitter about it. They need to create a peaceful and harmonious home life for their children, even if it means putting aside bitter feelings toward their ex. Focus on the positives.

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5. Be a good communicator. In order to have a happy home and life, as a single mum communicate  with your child in love, patience and kindness and be attentive. It’s easier said than done but do not take out your frustrations on your child. Be an attentive listener.

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