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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Middle Child (Part Two)

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Middle Child (Part Two)

Mark Wealth

There are a lot of negative stereotypes about middle born kids floating around the grapevine but are they true? I mean, when you hear that Abraham Lincoln, Bill Gates and Donald Trump are middle born, you kind of want to look at these stereotypes again, right?

We have done a little research and we came up with a list of ten honest attributes of the awesome middle born Earthlings.

Continued from part one

6. Good Negotiators

Unlike the over achieving firstborn and the get-whatever-I-want younger child, the middle child doesn’t always have his way. In order to get ahead in the world, they have to haggle with parents and siblings to get what they want. This means they have to also find a way to give parents/siblings what they want. Sometimes they have to resort to manipulation and emotional blackmail but at the end of the day, everyone is happy.

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7. Have Ambitions

It’s not because they want to revenge for all the negative stereotype or the relative lack of attention, that they are self-driven and ambitious. Rather,  these things have made them become principled people who want to build their world the way they would feel comfortable in it. This motivates them to use these other qualities to achieve their goals.

8. They Seek Social Justice

They have been somewhat marginalised, not in a malicious way though. This makes them sympathise with other people who find themselves in such a situation be it other middle born children, first born, black or white. Famous examples of such include Martin Luther King Jr. And Nelson Mandela.

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9. Loyal Partners

See Also

Studies show that middle born kids are less likely to cheat in a relationship. Yup. They are able to leverage these qualities to make peace, negotiate and try new things in order to make their partners happy. These things were proved in a study on couples and found to be true: middle children grow up to be well balanced adults who handle their relationships with consideration and maturity.

10. Make Good Leaders

Look at all the qualities that nature has forced these kids to acquire. Aren’t they good leadership qualities? Someone who fights for the oppressed, who can make peace and negotiate with counterparts and subordinates for a win-win situation. We don’t need to look too deep to understand why these guys (and gals) make good leaders.

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Think about Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr and Abraham Lincoln fighting for the rights of the oppressed. Think about Bill Gates and Warren Buffet for their philanthropic efforts. Think about Ghandi, Madonna, Bishop Desmond Tutu and so many more -all middle born.

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