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How to Teach Children That Dangers May Come From Someone They Trust

How to Teach Children That Dangers May Come From Someone They Trust

A forensic psychologist and expert in the field of mental health, violence, mental health and addiction, Dr. Kathryn Seifert, has adviced that parents teach their children especially girl child that dangers may come or can come from someone they know very well and trust so much.

In her post on Psychology Today, she noted that given the way young girls tend to be susceptible to male attention, even at that young age since they already show signs of puberty parents should be very vigilante and pay attention to their children.

According to Punchng, the doctor highlighted ways by which parents could avoid such negative occurrences from happening to their children, especially the recent cases underage rape and child abuse.

  • According to the mother and doctor, she said parents must encourage their kids to talk to them about how their day went, teach them when to run away from an adult.
  • Parents must take action and let them see the kids must be aware of the parents action when they make reports, this would build their confidence level.
  • Teach children that the danger may come from someone they trust. Tell your kids that bad touch is bad touch and no one gets to do it to our bodies. If anyone does bad touch, you go to a grown-up for help.
  • Teach your child that whenever they are not sure about whether something a grown up is doing is okay, they should feel free to ask another grown up to help you.
  • Parents take action if you suspect abuse; understand the signs, such as significant changes in sleeping, eating, mood, or strange behaviour that does not quickly go away.
  • Lastly be cautious and know where your children are and who they are with at all times.

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An endocrinologist, Dr. Glenn Braunstein also said open communication, nurture, and knowledge of the child’s activities would be good ways to prevent the child from getting into such avoidable troubles.

In his analysis, Braunstein said whether puberty arrives early or later at the more expected time, it is always a challenge for children, especially girls and that it was up to parents, guardians and older siblings to help them to be better by assisting them through that stage.

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Another consultant paediatric endocrinologist, Dr. Elizabeth Oyenusi, had said at age eight, a female child should be taught about sex, so they don’t learn about it from outside or do so the hard way.

“Whether for a male or female child, once they clock eight years, parents should talk to them about sex, and there is no need to use nicknames or graphics, more so that such children are exposed to different images on the television or even the Internet. A girl is ready for such education when her breasts begin to come out or when.”

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The reason for this research was due to the high rate of rape and sexual abuse of children, many believed it was also due to ignorance of the parents and children now growing fast at young age. However there are reasons for this early puberty which include obesity.

According to a consultant paediatrician, Dr. Rotimi Adesanya, the average age a girl is supposed to attain puberty is 11, but these days some of them show those signs at age eight. Parents please take note, protect your children and pay attention to them. Parenting is a big deal!

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