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Dear MIMsters: My Daughter’s School Teacher is Choking Me With His Calls

Dear MIMsters: My Daughter’s School Teacher is Choking Me With His Calls

My daughter’s 12-year-old teacher openly asks me for money, yet I pay a lot of money as school fees. Now, he’s choking me with his calls.

I am naturally a very generous person but I easily get pissed off when someone keeps borrowing from me.

Last month, he persistently called and sent me messages asking me to send him some money. I told him to hold on a little since I had spent a lot of money on my nieces’ medical bill.

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Since then, he’s been sending me messages and flash back calls. He tells me how he is working hard to ensure my daughter excels in school and that I should appreciate him by giving him money.

Due to the fact that I live and work abroad, while my daughter schools in my home country, he thinks or maybe knows that I have a lot of money.

Should I report him to the school authorities when I get back to the country? Will I be putting my daughter’s life or safety in danger if I do so?

He is my daughter’s class teacher. Right now, I am getting choked with his calls and messages everyday, including on a Sunday.

What should I do? Please advice me.

View Comments (5)
  • Please report him and take your daughter to another school if the authorities didn’t take a good disciplinary action. WTH????

  • Report him to school authority and then change your daughter’s school afterwards. How can a teacher be begging a parent this much? It is very disrespectful.

  • Well you have started it, as a teacher his duty is to teach your child not bug the family. He does not have any right to demand demand money from you or any other person and I think the school authority should no about it and clear woning should be given to him that if anything happen to your daugther or you that he will go in for it. And ask your daughter to stay away from him she should stop telling him things

  • Report him to d school authority and tell them u are going to take ur child away fromd school,cos if u didn’t take any step ,d teacher might plan for ur child to be kidnapped. Take action on time.

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