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Dear MIMsters: I Need to Divorce My Husband For these Reasons

Dear MIMsters: I Need to Divorce My Husband For these Reasons

I am thinking of divorcing my husband after I have had my baby for these reasons.

We have been married for five years. In these five years, I can’t proudly say that I am happy in this marriage. Before marriage, I was a happy woman and the outgoing type. I always wore a smile, but marriage has taken that away.

I have gone through hell in the hands of my husband. The only thing he has not done is to raise his hands on me. I don’t want it to get to that extent before leaving. I have been verbally and emotionally abused. I feel like I am a burden to him but he does not care about me. He is selfish and self-centered, and not appreciative of anything I do.

READ ALSO:Dear MIMsters: How Do I Make My Husband Believe This Sad Truth About Me?

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I remember when I had my first child, I was in labour for two days. In these two days, I did not see anyone I know because they were not allowed into the labour ward. My mum was praying all things should go well but my husband said that if I die, it will make him regret spending all the money he spent on our wedding.

My mother told him she will refund the bride price to him, that all she wants is to see me come out alive. This is just one of many bad characters that I can’t stand anymore. I am a slave and a maid. I am just tired of this marriage.

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