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Self Love & Empowerment Coach, Stephanie Gets Real As She Talks About Her Pregnancy Journey And It Is Expository

Self Love & Empowerment Coach, Stephanie Gets Real As She Talks About Her Pregnancy Journey And It Is Expository

The journey through pregnancy holds varying emotions for different moms. Some exciting, some sweet, some excruciating, … but in all, whatever your pregnancy journey, it’s always beautiful to share because sharing could be therapeutic for you.

Self-love coach & optimist, Stephanie, 30, has continued to take her followers through her amazing journey into motherhood. When Stephanie was 12 weeks gone, she disclosed that her body was thriving on no artificial sugar, no gluten, and no processed foods (read here).

The single soon-to-be mom said when she started having her strong morning sickness, she would throw up about 6 times a day & she would struggle to even keep water down.

In a latest post she shared on her page, Stephanie who is now 19 weeks gone with November 23 as her EDD has narrated her prenatal struggles.

Read her story below…

”19 weeks Pregnant – s*%# getting real.

When I use to think about becoming pregnant I always imagined I’d have a husband to support me. Someone to talk to me when I was having moments of weakness, someone who truly understood, a live-in support system.

So, when I found out I was single & having a baby with a friend, I forgot to rewriting the story of how I imagined pregnancy would go to better fit my situation…

????FEELING ALONE – I am longing & missing the little things, someone to hold my hand, someone to wake up next to. Someone who truly gets me & can spend hours with me just talking details about this baby with.

I kept thinking it was because I am just friends with the father that I was feeling this way. So, I started seeking help from friends & what really blew my mind, was when my friends who are married told me about how they also felt alone during their pregnancies! ???? That they too felt a disconnect & felt alone even with their love right there.

So, this week has really made me realize that support does not only come from a significant other, or the father of the child. Support comes from anyone & everyone around, who might possibly be able to understand & lend a supportive & loving ear!

A reminder that no one will ever know exactly how you are feeling so it’s a wonderful place to keep working on empower yourself!

????STRUGGLING EMOTIONALLY – so far I have been A LOT less emotional pregnant than I am normally. But this week everything is setting me off. I started massively crying in a Wendy’s drive thru line cause the employee kept interrupting me, I cried when I burn my toast… pretty much can’t stop crying. & I find myself mad at almost everything, for no reason. ????????‍♀️

???? ❤ FEELING BABY MOVIN – As I sit & cry, my belly starts to juggle and shake, and I am reminded at what an absolute blessing I have been given! It is amazing how much I can love something I’ve never met! And this little baby is so sweet, constantly moving and always reminded me how blessed I truly am!

P.S this was my last week of morning sickness!!!! Other than being emotionally unstable, I feel great! ????.”

READ ALSO: Bolanle Adekoya: How I Keep My Food Portions & Cravings In Control During Pregnancy

At 16 weeks Pregnant, Stephanie shared:

”FELT BABY MOVE – that moment when you think… was that the baby? Or do I have bubble guts? ???? Then you feel it again and the urge to run to the restroom never comes! ???? and you realize…I just felt the baby for the first time!! Most amazing / surreal feeling. Felt the baby move on two different occasions this week ????????

???????? LOVING MATERNITY CLOTHES – My pants no longer are fitting, and forcing myself into them has become way too uncomfortable! So maternity clothes have begun 🙂 AND I AM IN LOVE! So comfy, so practical, and makes getting a belly even more exciting! But serious question, will I ever want to put on real pants ever again? ????

???????? FEELING BETTER – Morning Sickness is still kicking my butt, but I am finding I am starting to be able to function on eight hours of sleep and only 1 nap instead of 3! ???? And while I still don’t have an appetite, I am finding it easier to keep food down. Starting to see the light at the end of this morning sickness tunnel! And that alone has me feeling so much better!

How are all you pregnant friends feeling??”

READ ALSO: 9 Early Signs You May Be Pregnant Right Now

At 14 weeks pregnant;

See Also

”MY SKIN IS FREAKIN OUT – Breaking out on my face, back & chest! Nothing seems to be helping. My soft supple clear skin is now dry and broken-out! ????????‍♀️

Does your skin go back to normal after you have the kid??

????SLOWLY GETTING BACK IN THE GYM – SLOWLY is the key word here ????. Still have morning sickness, my energy level is rock bottom, & I am trying to avoid anyone I’ve thrown up in front of at the gym or anyone I am about to throw up in front of.

(So… everyone ????) I think I take more time making sure I am in running distance to a trashcan then I actually working out. I went 2 T this week. Better than last week! I’ll count that as a win! ???? (To me the gym is my happy place, where I can turn off my brian and just be. It is my safe zone. & I miss it so much!)

???? INSECURE ABOUT MY BODY- with gaining 25 lbs at this point & not actually showing that I am pregnant, I feel out of place with my body!! I feel gross and find myself hiding it because I am so uncomfortable in it.

I know that my body is creating life, but without feeling or seeing the baby…. it kind of just seems like a far away idea. Like where is the everyday proof that I’m pregnant? My one ultrasound photo 7 weeks ago does not seem to be enough! I also notice that I am beating myself up for gaining “so much” so fast.

So this week I am really having to remember to be kind to myself! To stop my negative comments before they start or go to far. (cause lets get real, they totally still happen) I am really working on not being hard on myself, & knowing that I DIDN’T FAIL. I am also trying to take as much time to myself as I can! Week 14 has been about learning to let go of expectations and just be kind, loving and in the moment!????

???? P.S. I have seriously considered contacting the FBI and signing up to be a bomb sniffing dog! My nose can smell anything from anywhere!! Someone ordered a pickle across the restaurant…. OH HELL NO!!! ????????

Still behind on posting my pregnancy journey. Today I am actually 21 weeks and skin is still a hot mess but feeling better!!#dueNovember23 #NovemberBaby.”

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Photo credit: Instagram

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