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9 Proactive Ways To Boost Your Ovulation

9 Proactive Ways To Boost Your Ovulation

Ovulation is the term used to describe a process triggered by hormones for the monthly release of egg/ovum from the ovary per menstrual cycle.

In recent times, lifestyle factors are playing pivotal role in the development of infertility. Thankfully, these factors are modifiable habits and little adjustments can greatly influence overall health and well-being, including fertility.

There is no getting pregnant without ovulation and that is why this article is important.

Find power tips below to help you improve your ovulation:

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1. Eat Right: 

Staying well nourished can help you boost your fertility. Deficiency of certain vitamins, such as Vitamins B, D and C in your diet have been linked to lengthened menstrual cycles (and therefore less frequent ovulation) and a higher risk of early miscarriage.

Be sure to eat protein-rich foods, particularly vegetable protein, like beans and nuts, and less animal protein such as meat, fish, low-fat dairy products, eggs, and beans.

Also, antioxidants rich foods. Examples: leeks, garlic, onions, lean meat, apricots, seafood, nuts, etc.

Ask your doctor for daily multivitamin supplements you can take.

READ ALSO: 5 Types of Foods To Help Boost Your Fertility

2. Maintain A Healthy Body Weight:

Apart from other health problems that being overweight can predispose you to, excess body fat can lead to overproduction of certain hormones that disrupt ovulation.

Your cycles may become irregular, you may ovulate less often, and lower your chances of getting pregnant.

On the flip side, too little body fat means your body may not produce enough hormones to ovulate each month or to sustain a pregnancy if you do conceive.

Many overweight  women who were not ovulating, found that after shedding the excess weight, they began ovulating without any extra medical interventions, so watching your weight definitely works.

READ ALSO: 7 Signs You May Have Fertility Issues

3. Know Your Cycle:

A normal menstrual cycle lasts between 21-35 days, If your cycle is noticeably longer, you can assume you’re ovulating less often and may want to see your gyneacologist or midwife.

A common misconception is that ovulation falls on day 14 of the menstrual cycle for every woman, that’s not correct.

A study from the United States National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that ovulation varies dramatically from woman to woman, occurring as early as day 6 and as late as day 21 of a cycle.

Changes in your Basal body temperature and cervical mucus consistency can be pointers to whether or not you are ovulating.

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4. Use Unsaturated Vegetable Oils:

Trans fats are commonly found in hydrogenated vegetable oils and are usually present in some margarine, fried foods, processed products and baked goods.

Choosing trans fats instead of monounsaturated fats may increase the risk of ovulatory infertility by 31%. Eating trans fats instead of carbs may increase this risk by 73% according to a large observatory study.

Consider using more unsaturated vegetable oils, such as olive or canola oil.

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5. Increase Your Iron Intake:

Consuming iron supplements may decrease the risk of ovulatory infertility.

An observational study including 438 women found that taking iron supplements was linked to a 40% lower risk of ovulatory infertility.

Non-heme iron (plant sources) was also associated with a decreased risk of infertility. Heme iron, which comes from animal sources, did not appear to affect fertility levels.

Nonetheless, more evidence is needed to confirm whether iron supplements should be recommended to all women, especially if iron levels are healthy to begin with.

However, boosting your intake of iron-rich foods may help.

6. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake:

See Also

Caffeine can negatively affect female fertility. One study suggests that women who consume over 500 mg of caffeine daily take up to 9.5 months longer to get pregnant.

A high caffeine intake before pregnancy is also linked to an increased risk of miscarriage.

However, other studies did not find a strong link between caffeine intake and an increased risk of infertility.

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7. Stay Away From Pesticides and Exhaust Gases:

Many insecticides and herbicides decrease male fertility and may affect female fertility by inhibiting ovarian function and disrupting the menstrual cycle.

8. Put A Rein On stress:

Stress can hamper fertility. Experts suspect that stress, like heavy exercise, may throw off your body’s hormone production, making your menstrual cycle less reliable.

Even though getting active is crucial to fertility, moderate and deliberate exercises will deliver the results you want, and there are a number of relaxation techniques including meditation and yoga that you may employ to relief stress, or you could identify your own healthy methods that help you de-stress.

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9. Quit Smoking:

If you smoke, stop. There are already so many studies that show women that smoke take longer to get pregnant and are more likely to miscarry.

Robert Barbieri, M.D., head of obstetrics and gynecology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, in Boston, and coauthor of 6 Steps to Increased Fertility, says:

Cigarette toxins not only damage a woman’s eggs, interfering with the fertilization and implantation process, but also cause the ovaries to age.

That means that the ovaries of a 35-year-old smoker function as though they belonged to a 42-year-old and are therefore less fertile,

Smoking does permanent damage to your fertility, but when you cut out cigarettes, you get some ovarian function back.”


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