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Dear MIMSters: This Is How Her Condemnation Became Her Reality

Dear MIMSters: This Is How Her Condemnation Became Her Reality

In an all female gathering, the leader of the group addressed the members and encouraged them to help the widows in their midst. The woman particularly highlighted some of the difficulties those widows were faced with and asked that they open an account specifically to assist them.

In that gathering, there were over 150 members of different class and status who could have helped but one woman kicked against what the leader asked of them.

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She sought audience with the leader and specifically said, “We cannot continue to indulge these women, they are simply lazy! Why can’t they get gainful employment? I do not think we should encourage them to continue to be lazy by giving them money all the time.”

The women leader agreed with her, then she explained to her the efforts the widows she was soliciting for have put in individually. Some of them have gone to learn handiwork, some are trading but need more capital, some were sick and needed help etc.

This woman insisted that the widows were simply lazy!

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Now, because she is an influential woman in that gathering, she swayed many to her side and the women leader was made a fool of. The few women who bought into the leader’s idea pulled resources together and helped the widows in their midst.

This other woman, and the ones who chose to be on her side insisted the widows were lazy and they would not indulge them.

A month after, her husband died in an ill-fated plane crash and she became one of the widows in that gathering.

She understood the pains of widowhood in less than three months.

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I am not in anyway subscribing to laziness, and yet, we may truly have lazy widows but if you have not walked in a person’s shoes, you have no moral justification to condemn such person. Moreover, you may choose not to help a needy person but it becomes witchery to poison the minds of those who could have helped.

Mind you, the pains of widows aren’t limited to finances; they are much more so if you find any way through which you can help, and if you are capable of rendering the help, please do.

Have you ever wonder why the Bible refers to God as the husband of widows and father of the fatherless!

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