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5 Postpartum Health Issues You Should Never Ignore

5 Postpartum Health Issues You Should Never Ignore

The period post-birth is a truly delicate time for mums. Learning the signs and symptoms of health problems to not ignore at this time may save your life!

Considering the trauma that the body endures during childbirth, some amount of discomforts after birth is normal but some require treatment so that the symptoms don’t degenerate into something that is life-threatening. Life-threatening conditions that can happen after giving birth include infections, blood clots, postpartum depression, and postpartum hemorrhage.

READ ALSO: Understanding Baby Blues And Postpartum Depression

See five health issues you must not overlook postpartum below:

1. Postpartum Hemorrhage

Postpartum hemorrhage otherwise called PPH is when a woman has heavy bleeding after giving birth. It is a serious but rare condition that can happen anywhere from immediately after to up to 12 weeks post welcoming a baby. Please reach out to your doctor as soon as you notice any heavy bleeding postpartum.

2. Abdominal and Groin Pains

While it is established that some muscle pain and soreness is quite normal, if you have abdominal pains or pains in your private part, you should let your doctor know ASAP especially if you can feel some lump in the painful sites.

Most often it will not be anything serious, and you hopefully already have the best gynecologist who does not dismiss your concerns and is equipped to help you through your healing.

3. Depression and Anxiety

Pregnancy and childbirth can be a mind-bending experience. The stress that the body is put under, as well as the surging of hormones,  can tell on a woman’s mental and psychological health. While confiding in people close to you about feeling depressed or anxious postpartum may not be easy for many mums, it is important to remember that there is enough awareness about the topic and you should not feel guilty.

Speak to your doctor about it and get all the support you can get. Postpartum depression and anxiety is a major health concern and you don’t want to risk managing it on your own.

Commit to attending all your postpartum checkups, and remember that no care is greater than self-care.

See Also

4. Mastitis

Some mums have trouble breastfeeding due to sore or cracked nipples, but mastitis could make the whole process of breastfeeding near impossible. The condition may be due to the presence of an underlying infection in the breast tissue, causing the breasts to become inflamed and sore.

Not only is it painful, but you could also fall really sick if you procrastinate to get treatment. See your doctor if you feel any symptoms; the last thing you want is to be down when you have your new bundle to take care of.

5. Cracked And Sore Nipples

It may not come to you as totally unexpected to have cracked or sore nipples when breastfeeding but just because it is something you are likely to experience does not mean you have to put up with the pain and discomfort that comes with it.

Treating your sore nipples is key if you want to keep breastfeeding, and there are a lot of safe creams that will ease your pain and are not toxic for your baby. Speak to your doctor and have her recommend one of such baby friendly creams.

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