Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Facial Injuries Draw Police Questions

While Bobbi Kristina Brown’s boyfriend claims bruises found on Whitney Houston’s daughter were caused by CPR efforts, an Atlanta TV station is reporting police are now asking about injuries to her face and mouth.
WSB-TV Atlanta quotes an unidentified source close to the investigation as saying the facial injuries were noticed after Brown, 21, was found unconscious in her bath tub and rushed to a north Atlanta hospital on January 31.
Nick Gordon, who Brown called her husband, told police body bruises were suffered when he frantically tried to revive her while waiting for paramedics to arrive at her suburban Atlanta town home, according to a friend of Gordon’s.
Documentary producer Daphne Barak, who became close friends with Brown and Gordon while working on a production with them, says Gordon told her in a phone call that he bruised his girlfriend’s chest while performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
“They asked him about injuries in the chest and he told them it was when he was doing the CPR,” Barak told HLN’s Nancy Grace Monday. “She was very tiny. It made sense to me.”
Roswell, Georgia, police also asked Gordon to not leave Atlanta while they investigate the near-drowning of Brown, Barak says.
Gordon and his lawyer have declined opportunities to respond to Radar’s request for comment.
Source: RadarOnline
I knew they will come up with another story. Our prayer is just for Kristina to get well.
More story unfold everyday… Abeg get well soon dear bobbi
More stories still unfold. I pray she recovers to tell the real story.
There’s more to what happened to her I know so…
Does it take that much pressure to resuscitate someone. Hmmmmm. Something is smelling
cheap lies spear-headed by his so-called lawyer. Their days are numbered
we live to know
It is well ooooo.I pray she recovers
Only God knows the real story
New discoveries everyday
get well soon