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See What Helped A 9-Year-Old With Autism Learn To Speak

See What Helped A 9-Year-Old With Autism Learn To Speak

At 10 months old, Kalel Santiago, who lives in Puerto Rico, was diagnosed with cancer. After becoming cancer-free at 3 years, he was diagnosed with severe, non-verbal autism. At age 9, he hadn’t spoken his first word until his parents decided to try a controversial treatment: Hemp Health, a hemp oil that includes a form of cannabis. Two days later, Kalel surprised his parents.

According to reports, Kalel’s parents sprayed the compound cannabidiol (CBD) in the boy’s mouth twice per day, and they say the results were astounding.

“He surprised us in school by saying the vowels, A-E-I-O-U. It was the first time ever,” dad Abiel told Yahoo Parenting. “You can’t imagine the emotion we had, hearing Kalel’s voice for the first time. It was amazing. The teacher recorded him and sent it to my wife and me, and we said, ‘well, the only different thing we have been doing is using the CBD.'”

Soon he was saying full words. “He said, ‘amo mi mama,’ ‘I love my mom,'” Abiel says. “I don’t know how to thank [the CBD oil makers].”

Even though this treatment worked for Kalel, doctors have advised parents with autistic children against rushing to get a bottle as the result of cannabis sprays like this one have yet to be proven. Doctors say that the Santiagos’ experience is purely anecdotal evidence. Also, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says products like Hemp Health haven’t been proven safe and are unregulated. In fact, selling them as “dietary supplements” is illegal.

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There is need for more research.


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