Mums Who Gave Birth Through A C-Section Also Rock

by Everyday with San Dee
During my antenatal classes I was very inquisitive. I would always sit in front to participate in everything, ranging from exercises to lectures for the day.
One day, when I was going to the hospital, some questions came to mind. “Why haven’t I heard these midwives and doctors talk about Caesarean delivery? Or are they saving the best topics for the last days?” Oh well, I had made up my mind to ask when I got to the hospital. I am a biology teacher and a microbiologist and for long I have read and understood the different types of deliveries but do not know why this one isn’t talked about here. All I hear is “you shall deliver safely” Yes, sure! by God’s grace. When I got to the hospital, I asked the chief midwife: “Ma, I haven’t heard you people teach about CS deliveries.” Why? Ha! She got so furious.
“Nooo,” she replied. “No! Come my dear, we don’t teach that here oo. It will scare the hell out of many women, they do not want to hear it or even give it a thought.” I was like for real?? Wow!
Just last week, I met a friend in church who told me she had a VB. She said, “but Sandee, the tear down there is crazy because my baby was weighing 4.6kg.”
I was surprised because I’ve known her as the ‘Mrs Check what you eat when preggy.’ She virtually disposed all her carb foods and stocked her kitchen with fruits and!
Ok, so I was asking, what then is the different between having the large crazy tear down below and the tear given to a woman during CS?
People say, our mothers of old delivered safely, so CS is not a safe delivery? They said all these ‘oyibo’ things and excuses didn’t come up then, tight pelvic kini, and no good dilation, and I ask ‘why did some women lose their pregnancies and some had still birth then?’ Is it the popular “ogbanje syndrome” ascribed to women then or what was it?
The woman on the next bed in my hospital ward refused having a CS for reasons best known to her. The doctors virtually had to “fight” her to allow them do it as the baby was already too weak and over due and it was now a matter of life and death. At last, she succumbed but her baby came out distressed with loads and loads of complications. She had drank the water in the amniotic sac. They took her to Luth as late as 12midnight just to save her life. And when I had gone home, I came back some days later to pick up my baby’s card and was told that baby was still suffering in distress. They injected her with different medications and was placed on oxygen to survive. Someone may soon say it’s the people from the village responsible for this (witchcraft).
I have heard people make comments like, “Oh, she delivered at home, no doctors, no hospital bills. Thank God no money was involved.”
Like seriously? Good delivery but how can a human being place money over the life of their own bundle of joy? Ok, I was inspired to write this to let all mums who gave birth through CS know that indeed, they are nothing but strong and magical and they all rock. I saw things for myself at the hospital, heard things and I now know that you guys rock big time.
They get into the theatre and come out with their beautiful scar, babies and their lives. They struggle with their urine tubes and bags. They may not eat or drink for days. With their pains, they will still provide care for the new born babies.
Please you guys rock to say the least and are the strongest of all women. If no one has told you that you are a super mum and superwoman. Now hear this, “YOU ARE A SUPER WOMAN!”
Nice article.
Am so proud of my scar, I went through c-section twice.
Yes they rock.Those women that deliver at home and in the villages when condemning CS will not tell you the number of babies they have lost and the women who died in the process of childbirth.Safe delivery for me is mother and baby alive and healthy irrespective of the mode of delivery
Great article.
I just shudder when some women say I gave birth like a Hebrew woman. Lolz. What is Hebrew or Greek about Vagina birth? Hebrew woman means giving birth with ease and coming out of it alive n sound this includes giving birth through CS. Thx dear writer. I pray n wish hospitals will inculcate CS education into their antenatal classes.
Inspiring article
It’s high time the medical staffs start educating pregnant women that c-section is not a death sentence.
Wow! San Dee u now right for MIM, this is nice! U do it just right cos its in ur DNA.. once article…. keep it up!
Yes we rock,tnks alot for dis article,me and my hubby got alot of abuse wen I gave birth,a woman even told me dat is until I push me baby out myself dat wen I wil knw dat am a woman imagine
like seriously, we rock. You won’t believe that I was intimidated by my husband simply because I had my jewel through CS. Godwin o
yea,we rock.. its not easy at all,u wont know until u experience it. I know its the Sandee i know that wrote this,is her work.Kudos!!
Thank u for this,before now i thought cs is just the easy way out & that vb is the main deal. My baby is a month & a wk old today & i had her thru cs,the pain i felt when i was being injected,the pain after the operation & oh the urine bag its not something to joke about. I live abroad so the caregivers where very helpful but i tell u vb is a piece of cake. Am proud of my cut any time.
wow! this is wonderful
Love this article
Preach it sister. Great article! I have two beautiful kids both from two beautiful CS scars. We definitely rock
YES!!! I am a super woman /Mom
yea, there is nothing really wrong about CS,they are all birth,as far as the baby & mum came out alive. If not for the cut & pain,i would say CS is even the best because you will remain same down there
Whoever wrote this article may not know how much impact she made but I was touched. Thanks so much. U have me confidence and reminded me of my strengths. I have two great girls through cs
weda cs or normal delivery, na God. I ve told those still in d dark dat giving birth tru cs is not demonic,lazy or watever dey call it. The most beautiful thing is seeing ur bundle of joy.
true talk Ooo jare
I’m proud…..
God bless you for this piece you be better pickin!! Lolz
Yes we rock’!!
Yes, we rock. Thumbs up to all Super duper CS mama out there, May God continue to strengthen us.
Nice piece
Yes o i rock, not ashamed to show my scars. Thank u for such a lovely article wish all women can see this
nice write up. God bless u
Ignorance is still the order of the day when it comes to C-Section in Africa.
Really nice and inspiring.
wow… no one has ever made me feel great bout having CS apart from my husband…. fanx and GOd bless
Wow great one from u dear!!!! We really do rock mums nd all times.
Yes o we rock, thank u maam for this post. When they initially told me I was going to deliver through Cs I was like capital No bur I thank God I went through it and I came out with a wonderful bundle of joy.
Yes o we rock. Thanks a lot for this great write-up. Keep it up
yes we do. I had my first 2 babies through vb but my 3rd and 4th through cs. when I didn’t return home after 2 days I got a call from someone who said ” your not back from the hospital?” when I said that I had cs the response I got gave me this perception. yes your sins has found you out. my sister the person in question eventually had cs and I could excuse her ignorant then
i had my first child on the ward bed, no labour pain and all that, before the doctor touched me the baby was out, but my second baby in the same hospital under the same health care providers was through cs. one day the scan revealed he was ready to be delivered @ 39+ weeks, the next day labour was progressing but all of a sudden my water broke instead of clear water, i had black black spots in it, i was taken to the theater immediately, today my two beautiful sons are healthy, happy and doing well in their academics, eight and seven years old respectively
Thank you for this post,i have my two bundle of Joy through CS i got comments and i really dont care kudos to you ma’am
Thumb up
Yeah yeah we rock.
With 2 super gorgeous kids??? I’m proud of my scar. I’m still yet to understand why there is even a debate on d debut of your baby in the first place. Our forefathers did not take drugs or visit hospitals when they were ill but now we all do for even the slightest illness, why is there no fuss about that? Pls people we live in a world where there will always be a form of technological advancement…move with time.
We are Super mum’s and we rock.
When I was told am going to have my baby through CS I was like God why me. I pray to God for miracle to happened but instead God gave me courage that I will go in there alive and come back alive with my baby without any complication and it was so. Yes! we rock
Nice…..Yes they rock
CS or Normal we all rock!