Meet Married Couple Who Want Kids But Are Too Fat to Make Love

This couple with a combined weight of 63 stone who have been married since 2010, yearn to become parents, however, they are too fat to make love and have now opted for a weight loss surgery.
According to Mirror UK, Lin Yue and his wife Deng Yang admit life has been difficult right from when they could not find a wedding dress big enough for the bride and had to have one specially made.
The Chinese couple, both 30, who describe themselves as being as wide as they are tall, travelled to Changchun, capital of north-eastern Jilin Province, this week to undergo treatment for rapid weight loss. They hope gastric bypass surgery will help them in their fight against morbid obesity, which they have now decided to tackle in order to one day have a child.
Good for them. This fat is too much abeg.
@ 30????? hmmm….. I pray this helps them on the right part….. Whatttt????
Wish them luck!
Too fat or should I say lazy to even work out?
To be too fat is a disease…may God help them
They should stop eating and do something, this is too much.
You guys sure need to do the gastric bypass immediately..Goodluck
This fat is much abeg,at 30 hmmmm
It doesn’t end after the surgery,they need to eat healthy as well
Na wa oo
All d best to them.
I hope they get better
They better sit up.if they want to live long and healthy for their kids OMG! Just look at them!
Na wah
All the best
i couldnt help but shine my teeth when i saw their pics
obesity talking