Nigerian Mum of Triplets Flees Father-in-law to Save Daughters From Circumcision

A Nigerian mum who fled the country to Winnipeg, Canada, to prevent her female triplets from being circumcised like her first daughter has been granted asylum.
Her father-in-law had insisted her first daughter be mutilated when she was three months old, resulting in severe complications which could have taken her life.
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Her lawyer, Bashir Khan, who helped her secure asylum, said,
“This is a horrible cultural practise. The purpose of female genital mutilation is to discourage sexual promiscuity and to promote chastity. Parents subject their daughters to FGM based on the social belief that young women who refuse to undergo this will have difficulty in labour or will be unfaithful to her husband.
She was forced to get in the vehicle and driven to a rural area and … she couldn’t bear to stay there while this was being forcibly done to her daughter. They cut off too much of [the daughter’s] clitoris, and she nearly died from the infection.”
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Judging from this experience, she became worried when she discovered she was pregnant with 3 girls and her father-in-law insisted it’s either she agrees that the triplets will be mutilated when they were born or he’ll force her to abort them.
Gripped by fear, she fled Nigeria while 29 weeks pregnant and arrived Canada in November 2015 where she is reportedly now doing well and hopes to raise her three daughters. She is also said to be applying for a permanent resident status and for her husband and two older children to join her in Canada.
Father in-law ke so her husband don’t have a say lord have mercy
She is married to a baby-husband.A man who cannot protect his family is not man enough to bear that title ‘husband’
This madness must be stopped! Though the intention are pure but the process is absolute rubbish!
Gosh!!is this insane practice still in existence?
Lucky her, this tyqe of FIL sef and where is d husband when they are doing this to their daughter
I even thought dis silly thing has stopped in Nigeria. This kind husband na wa o
Na wao
What rubbish?
How dare him? Thank God sha that she escaped such an in law.
Arrant nonsense
I think the Father-in law is a Jew
Thank God she made a fast move
Do they still do female circumcision?
Smart woman, you took the right steps. for your father inlaw mk him high transformer. .Rubbish
I admire her courage, I never knew circumision is still in practice, God have mercy. Where was d husby n all dis was happening, sure I kn his type
And where’s her husband in this whole matter?????
Who does that in this 21st century
Didn’t know that such things still happens. Good she went to Canada as the country will take good care of them and bring her hubby nd other kids sharply
Good she left
I’m going through the exact same thing. My mum in law started her own when she knew I was pregnant, last year may. That every female born into their family must be circumsized. Immediately, I told my husband about it. He said nothing, he doesn’t stand up to his mum, so scared of her. So I’m on my own…she lives with us. I can’t live my baby with her for any reason because she might circumcize her before I return. It is well