Update: Mum of 2 Pregnant With Quintuplets, Welcomes Her Newly Born Babies

26-year-old Australian mum-of-two girls, pregnant with quintuplets, who recently wrote about her pregnancy highs and lows (read here) has just welcomed her five babies.
According to Fox news; Kimberly Tucci wrote in her birth update that she and all five of her newborns were doing well. She also announced their names and birth weight:
Tiffany: 2.6 pounds
Penelope: 2.6 pounds
Beatrix: 2.7 pounds
Allie: 2.6 pounds
Keith: 2.8 pounds
In the Facebook post, Tucci also expressed her appreciation for her medical team as well as her doctor for their love and support during the pregnancy and delivery.
“Thank you for giving me an exceptional birth!” she wrote.
Tucci and her husband, Vaughn, who share two daughters and live in Warnbro, Australia, had been trying for a third child, a boy, when they learned they had naturally conceived five children: four girls and one boy. Doctors estimate naturally conceiving quintuplets— that is, without IVF or fertility drugs— happens only about one in 55 million times.
Wow finally n thanks to God
wonders of God
Wow…….congratulations to her and the family
Congratulations to her.
Thank God for safe delivery
Congrats to her
Big Congrats to them
Wow…huge hearty congrats to you girl.
Congratulations mama.
lol four more girls n one boy.wow congrats
I can imagine how relieved she must be feeling. Congrats to her. May d Lord keep d babies
Wow congratulations! !!