After My Neighbour’s Hubby Went Down On Me, I’m Wondering If I Was Used

I got married 5 years ago and I have two children.

Six months ago, we moved into a new apartment. There is this particular neigbour who happens to come from my state. She is also married and we became friends. We hang out when our husbands are at work. Sometimes, I knock on her bedroom window and she opens up. Sometimes, when I’m washing clothes outside, she stays by her bedroom window to have a conversation with me.

Few months ago, after my husband left for work, I came downstairs with the intention of going to my neighbour’s apartment. Carelessly, I went straight to her window and pulled the curtain. Unfortunately, standing before me was her husband stark naked, maybe robbing cream. He stirred at me and I was short of words. I just said, “I am sorry oo.” He quietly said, “it is ok, my wife is not at home.

Since then, I have been feeling guilty and worried. Also, the size of the man’s penis has never left my imagination. So one day, I went to their apartment again in the morning just to apologize to the man and his wife, but when I got there, I saw only the man in the sitting room. Before I could open my mouth to greet him or to say I am sorry, he grabbed me and started kissing me.

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I tried to stop but I could not. For a moment I lost control. He removed my clothes and went down on me. It was like my brain was going to explode. We had sex which took me to orgasm. I have never felt the way since I got married. But after the sex, I pretended to be angry with him.

He begged me for forgiveness and asked me not to tell anyone. I agreed. But my problem now is, I cannot stop thinking about that moment. It has been two months and there is no day that I don’t think about that day. Strangely, the man has never looked my way again. Right now, I feel he used me, but I still hunger for what he did to me. I am confused and don’t know what to do.

View Comments (71)
  • You dey groove oh madam lol. You don’t even seems to regret what you did instead you are longing for more issok. Enjoy make your husband no catch you sha.

  • Thy deed has already been done, I can’t ask u to confess to ur husband or thy man’s wife, all I can tell u now is to go for a confession in church, cry and ask God for forgiveness, but thy way u are sounding I Guess u still want thy man which may lead to a more crisis, thy woman might forgive her husband when thy truth is out but ask urself if u husband, family, other neighbor will forgive u, be wise that man don’t care about u he only have sex with u just because he wanted thy satisfaction that time, leave another woman husband, if u can’t try convince ur husband so u guys can relocate, #myopionion#

  • Hmmmmmm, I don’t even kn where to start, dear poster hv u tot of Hw ur friend will feel when she hears of dis, pls start by confessing ur sin to God n repenting fr ur heart, try as much as possiable to avoid dis man, if u can find excuse for u n ur family to relocate better, thank God d man hasn’t looked ur way again dat will help u to forget him. Invite d holy spirit to help.

  • hmmm this is complicated! to me I will advice you tell your hubby the truth or go and confess to your pastor to pray for you and please plead the Holy Spirit to cleans your conscience from every lost of the flesh.

  • Hmmmn, madam u are playing with fire. Few minutes of passion could ruin years of marriage. Adultery Neva pays. U beta repent and retrace your steps B4 u fall into that pit you are digging

  • Lol Mon Gemini u re really funny. Poster what u did is completely wrong, forget him and move on. Ignore him just like he’s been ignoring u after the mind blowing sex lol

  • I am too weak to write long sermon in this one. Just thank ur God that u were both not caught esp u cuz ur hubby would have kicked u out. Now Confess to God and move on with ur life ooo before it becomes another story altogether

  • You have allowed the spirit of immorality to gain access into your life and dat is why you are still craving for something that will shatter your family, tag you a bad person and leave you without anyone to wipe your tears. Honestly you need help, whether spiritual or human. You are not even bothered about your friend. You better wake up now and clear your head. That man will never leave his wife for you so even if you guys have sex again, he will only keep using you like a piece of trash and discard you when he’s satisfied. That is if you don’t get STD cos my guess is d man is a womanizer if not he wouldn’t have pounce on you like dat. Pls run 440 before you get yourself into trouble. Move out of dat compound if you and your family can. Ask God for forgiveness and mercy. Fill your heart with his word

  • Don’t say you went there to apologise to the man and his wife, because there is no way you can tell your fellow woman that you’re sorry for seeing her husband’s dick. I think you went there to see if your luck could shine, cos according to you, the thought of the man’s big dick has been in your head since the day you saw it…Fast foward, the deed has been done and you said the man has moved on and never looked your way again, so the best thing for you to do is to do the same, if you continue having sex with that man, you will not only destroy your friend’s marriage, you will also destroy yours. I know how it feels for a woman to experience orgasm for the first time, you will always smile and have goose pimples each time you remember the encounter, but you MUST kill those thoughts in your head if you want your marriage to survive. I bet you no longer enjoy sex with your husband, cos you have experienced something he has never given you before, on that note, i believe you still remember vividly what your friend’s husband did to make you reach your orgasm, so start teaching and telling your husband how and where to touch you to reach your orgasm or enjoy sex, if he doesn’t have the strength to hit it right, tell him to always give you a head, as long as he listens he can satisfy you. P.S: This is also a big lesson to some women out there, stop living in denial, many of you has never experienced orgasm with your husband, instead of telling him, you will be faking it and screaming like he’s hitting it right, you better open up to him now cos temptation abound. #enoughsaid

  • Hmmm madam, that was really a deadly act. You’re human and have sinned so please ask God Almighty to forgive u. Ever tot how u will also feel if another woman (married or not) sleeps with ur husband? God is ever willing to forgive. Repent.

  • Seriously madam repent, flush your heart body and soul of lust and ask God for forgiveness and move on with your life.

  • This story is indeed complicated. No remorse whatsoever from the poster, you’ve sinned against God, your husband, and friend. Genuine repentance is necessary and seek forgiveness from God and your husband.

  • Poster talk true, u knew tge wife esz not around, u did not go to apologise anything. Na the size of the thing wey u see; u use style go see how e dey work. But I don’t have problems with you bc am sure your neighbour(the wife) go show you pepper when she eventually catches you. The man took advantage of the fact that he knew you came to experiment. If u dare go back 4 more, he will disgrace u&tell the wife u r toasting him . Like I said b4 I don’t care what happens to u cos u don’t even sound remorseful; its ur kids that the stigma wl b hunting that I pity

  • Stolen hidden passion is always fiery and sweet ! But not true ….pray for strength and forgiveness ….move on please…. in time you will forget him

  • Hmmm, tank ur God dat he hv nt looked ur way since den bt d problem nw is dat u still dey look him way. Pls u hv no reason for ur action bcos u neva complained abut ur own hubby. Remember dat all hide n seek game hv an expiring date. So take ur time n talk to ursef and moreover, it’s beta u r been used by d man dan being sued for divorce by ur hubby n family

  • Na the controversial post be dis..?The poster is not serious. You committed adultery & u wish for more,may God forgive u.I been one waka pass o but was tempted to comment.

  • Haaaa!!! Madam you are playing with fire o. You are not even remorseful of what you’ve done. Please tell your pastor or priest and then get closer to God through prayers. Hmmm, you definitely don’t want to destroy two homes just because of sex. Instead, work things out to improve your Sexual relationship with your husband.

  • Hmmm, nawa! May God have mercy on your souls. Repent and confess to your husband and his wife else you won’t break loose from this satanic strong hold.

  • Do such things happen? (You dont need to answer bcoz I am just thinking aloud). May other people learn the dangers of opening other people’s doors nad windows especially for bedrooms and any other private rooms. That bedroom is shared between your friend and her husband but it’s good you have admitted it was carelessness on your part. Seek for forgiveness and keep away from that man. By the way, did you scream or shout for help when he was undressing you?

  • Madam seriously you need to flogged, so you don’t even feel any remorse or what??? I bet you will soon approach the man yourself for round 2. But just have it at the back of your mind that you are playing with fire.

  • Not even an atone of remorse rather u still want some more, all i can say is that u should remember the law of karma

  • Really??? What marvels me is the way adults have sex indiscriminately these days without any sense of responsibility. No one care about HIV, or any STD anymore, he went down on you without any form of protection, that’s how you will still carry your dirty self and go sleep with your husband and donate whatever he has deposited in you. You deserve to be flogged.

  • Nonsense talk! Dear poster the path you are towing leads to only one end, destruction, pray for mercy, dust yourself and move on

  • You want more orgasm abi? Go to your husband and tell him what you want. If it’s the grabbing that turned you on, just tell your husband to grabb you that way. Let him know what you want. Channel that desire for more to your husband. He’s also a man you know?. Begin to imagine him grabbing and doing those things to you. Take away shyness ok?
    Take it one step at a time. Start by opening up to him about how you want to experiment new things in your bedroom. Then during the act direct him to touch you in places that excites you. Describe how you want the touch if he’s not doing it well. If you are the type who can’t say it. Then hold his hand during romance or whatever and direct it to where you want him to touch and move it the way you want him to do it. He’ll get it. Most men enjoy pleasing their spouses. I really do hope your hubby is not the bossy type or the ” remove your pants and let me sleep with you” type.
    Let the experience be an eye opener and an encouragement to direct your man to your satisfaction. But DO NOT GO BACK TO YOUR NEIGBOUR’s HUSBAND. That’s a dangerous ground you are threading on. Think about all the people that will be hurt. YOUR HUBBY, YOUR KIDS, YOUR RELATIVES, YOU MAT LOSE YOUR MARRIAGE AND KIDS, PEOPLE WILL TAG YOU ADUTEROUS FOR LIFE, YOUR OWN FRIENDS WILL REJECT YOU AND NO ONE WOULD TRUST YOU AGAIN, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR NEIGBOUR’s FRIENDSHIP AND YOU MAY NEVER EVEN GET A SECOND ROUND ETC. Thisis just to name a few to get you to reflect on your actions. Ask GOD for forgiveness and ask him to help you enjoy sex with your hubby. He’s your father and he created you. He know’s what will tickle you. Tell him that you want to experience satisfaction in your sex life so he should direct you on what to do and how to do it and you’ll be amazed at what you can come up with. Please repent. I really fear for you. JUST DON’t GO TO YOUR NEIGBOUR’s MAN OK?
    I was moved to pray for you yesterday. Just know that you’ll have God on your side if you repent.

  • First of all u need to repent cos u’ve nt when u ve acheived dat then we can tell u d next step to take

  • Hmmm&mmmmmm. I enjoyed this post o truly there are times you just want something different. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Please look elsewhere to satisfy your needs. Your friends husband is a nonono. Please be careful of being caught. No be only men sabi cheat.

    • Nneka, thank you Jor. Some of the peeps condemning her her do worse things. Here she is trying to stick to one person and you the judge doing every thing in skirt and others in trouser sef. Gerrahia and be true. I am a guy and I know how it works. Don’t pretend get real all ye judges.

  • The only thing u can do now is to park out of dat house so u can stop thinking about d destruction of ur marriage

  • Nawaoo!!! Women nd young girls with big thing wahala.. the man saw the way u looked at him, longingly nd so he helped u.. that ur neighbour is not ur friend, u can kill her… since na her husband anaconda dey hungry u ride on ooo. But in case u want ur huby own to huge dey willbarrow dey toll am… contact baba osun something something

    • this is a sensitive matter, actually an emotional one. I don’t know why ppl r just telling the woman to go for a comfession and all that. do u really tnk tht wil erase the thought of her experience wt the man? Certain No. Not everything should be taken from religious point of view in as much as most of believe in God. What this woman needs is sex satisfaction and her husband is d sole therapist here. Madam, pls ur husband what u want in d bedroom. Bt what if he is d type that doesn’t hv tym for u or the type that only seeks for his satisfaction, leaving his wife high and dry in d heat of the moment….’exhales’ the decision is now yours to take

  • wao wish I’m the one receiving such anointing. some hubby these days are just log of woods I will not be surprise if ur friend husband has never forked her wife to orgasm but outside men will always show their strength . pls go on babe life is too short to be left in the dick of one dead man

  • Madam,u Sef u fit take am .truth be told u actually went there 4 another sight seeing and u got t .case closed.According t u you said u pretended as if u re angry .u both enjoyed t d man wanted u d day u saw his dick just like u cldnt take him out of ur head .the opportunity came n u both grabbed t.remember opportunity comes but once .

  • You’re a real bitch and a disgrace to womanhood and friendlihood.U only got wot u wanted,y don’t u let wot u av satisfy u.U went there intentionally 2 go and see if u can av a taste of wot u saw and luckily u got it….Now u’re here ranting of being used cos d gentleman isn’t looking ur way ever since.Lust is there killing u and ur instinct is encouraging it.U beta forget it happened and move on b4 u ruin ur life….NONSENCE

  • haaahaa madam u don’t have conscience at all u beter go nd seek for forgiveness from God nd delete all the memory cos is a great sin.#devil@work#

  • Sweetheart, I think your problem is that you’re sex-starved. You seem to be a sexually active woman whose husband is unable to satisfy in bed. My advice is simple: talk to your husband. Not about this mistake, but about your sexual lives. Get help from experienced sexual therapists, tell him things you like, things you want done to you in bed and things you want to do to him in bed no matter how deviant or extreme you think they are. Go ahead and try them. It’ll save your marriage.

    As for your neighbour’s husband, talk to him. Not in his house or yours. Preferably in the open compound. Settle this issue and make a decision to either tell your spouses or not. Whatever you do, do not make the mistake of repeating this act because in tandem with african society, you’ll be seen as a whore, derided and treaed like scum. So apply caution, sense and prayer. Aiit? You’ll be fine.

  • There is this thing about men it is calll EGO, you saw d mans nakedness and he simply went beyond seeing your nakedness but also use what u saw to teach u a lesson to always knock before peeping or entering someones house.

    • Mad-am, you are a sinful lot. A disgrace to God’s creatures. Park and get out of that man’s house I’m.Shame on you and your likes.

  • D truth… until u are in d situatn… u will not be adequately able to judge… bin Dia done dat move on… it’s hard… just try… cos gettin caught is not an option… confession also nt an option… bin @ peace with ursef…

  • Try telling ur husband how to make love to you. You sin more when u tried to cover one sin. When you’ve gained ur husbands confidence, confess this sin to him and forget this past.

  • There are three types of love Godly love which is from heaven and the best in this type you love your partner no matter what it last forever
    The other type of love is erotic love or love because of physical qualities you are never contended because the moment you see a more attrative person you desiring the person thats the type you have for your husband even if your neighbour continue doing the thing if you see another person you will move to him it is this type of love that destroys relationship and marriage because it has a curse
    The third type is evil game love here the person comes to your life to play with your life and emotions if you are in marriage and you cannot determine the type of person you are married to you may regret later
    Go for deliverance so that God will visit you

  • Congratulation!!!
    You have set a new standard for stupidity in the world.
    I won’t call you names cos I have my own little sons BUT I’d advise you take the path of honor. Go ask your husband for divorce cos you don’t deserve him anymore. If he is the one cheating, am sure the world would have sympathized with you and asked you to divorce his sorry ass.
    So, simply go ask him for a divorce and go look for men with incredible duck sizes to be ousting after…..since your happiness lies in the size of a man’s dick.
    Once again, congratulations….the world is lost.

  • Ooooooh, my dear I can only tell u that it was actually what you wanted and u got it . But my advice to you is to forget that it ever happened, remove ur mind from ‘ d big prick’ u saw, cos thinking about it might send u back to him for more and doing it again U might be caught that it might cause a divorce, so dear,kneel down and ask God for forgiveness whole heartedly. Tnxxx

  • You guys are wasting your breathe, such advice would have made sense if she hadn’t fucked the guy. Bottomline, she will fuck him again. She is only surprised he hasn’t looked her way again. So my advice, seek him again and keep getting the hot sex. The only thing that would end this is her getting tired of the sex or their getting caught.

  • My dear it’s too dangerous a road to ply o…. Take charge of your body and retrace your steps, remember you’re in charge. The looses outweigh the “gain” in the end ooo.

  • Now woman, marriage is a sacred. But from your story seems to me that you don’t feel any ounce of guilt and remorse for what happened. Yes you didn’t plan for it, but your statement, “I pretended to be angry with him” shows you have no regrets concerning what happened. If you have any value for what you have now ( your husband and children) better you start thinking of moving on with your life. If I were you I will seek spiritual guidance even if it means you have to come clean and open up to your husband. Now you can see that he no longer looks your way again, that’s because he expects you to run back to him, and when you do that, the game changes, now he will have the power over you. Whether this thing continues or ends right now lies within your power, once you go to him, you will become the villain, and he becomes the innocent. Because the initial story won’t be relevant anymore, but the fact that you ran back to him will now become the main story. From his attitude u can tell he feels he has nothing to loose, but you on the other hand have everything to loose. Back away while you still can an seek redemption from the mistake that as already occurred. Think of your children. The stigma it will imprint on them, He that has an ear let him hear what the spirit is saying. A word is enough for the wise.

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