Too Cute! Australian Mum & Her Quintuplets Look Amazing in New Photoshoot

An Australian mum who gave birth to quintuplets in January has released a unique photo shoot with her five bundles of joy.
According to BBC, with a team of 50 doctors and nurses, the proud mum, Kim Tucci, 26, took just two minutes to give birth to her four daughters and one son, Tiffany, Penelope, Beatrix, Allie, and Keith, who she conceived naturally and were reported healthy after birth.
The babies were born on January 28, 2016, and right from the time they were conceived – Kim has been documenting her pregnancy and birth of the quintuplets on her Facebook page ‘Surprised by Five’.
Tucci, 26, wrote when she posted the photos: “5 fingers 5 toes, 6 hearts beating at once. My body fought the toughest of battles to get five babies here safely.”
“Everything I did I did for them.”
The doting mum of seven said, during an interview with Australian current affairs program ’60 Minutes’ in April, revealed that she felt like her body was “shutting down” during the pregnancy, adding that doctors originally offered her the choice of saving two of the babies while terminating the remaining three, so as to avoid serious health risks to both the expectant mum and the unborn babies.
“No-one thought I could do it, and I did, I showed everyone in my life,” she said.
Kim and her husband,Vaughn Tucci were already blessed with two daughters before they decided to have another child.
When she was pregnant, the couple were stunned to find out they were expecting not one but five children, four girls and a boy. Since then, they have been sharing their experience – pregnancy tests, sonograms, feelings, fears and all – with the world.
The Tuccis are attempting to raise money for a van that is big enough to fit their entire family.
Photo credit: Erin Elizabeth Photography
Fabulously WOW!!!
Wow! Those kids are adorable. Kudos to her for birthing 5 at once and caring for them since day one.
Motherhood is the best thing ever
Congrats to her
So lovely
Sooooo nice
Awamaridi, oba Eledumare
Wow lovely
Awwwww……this shoot is pretty, i love.
This is beautiful.
I tap into this blessing.
Wow!… just Wow! So lovely.
God is great
Wow I remember this lady.Congrats to her
Such bundles of joy!
Cute kids.. God I want such a sweet testimony too wen the time comes but not 5 sha, just 2 is okay