Trying to Lose Weight? See Top Things You Should Do (Part 2)

Jeff Fischer
Previously, we shared 6 things you can do to reduce your calorie intake, speed up your metabolism and burn more calories every day to foster getting sustainable weight loss results (read here). Find more useful tips below.
Exercise. This is obviously key to weight loss. However, it is important to note that exercise does not have to be strenuous to achieve weight loss. It is not necessary to incur large bills in joining a fitness club or hiring a personal trainer if you cannot afford it. For instance, someone not inclined to spending hours on a treadmill can choose to take regular walks to help burn off excess fat.
Another good tip is to go for a walk just before and after a meal. Walking before a meal helps to suppress your appetite which reduces your calorie intake. On the other hand, walking after a meal improves your digestion and speeds up your metabolism rate.
READ ALSO: Eating Small Meals Up 6 Times A Day Will Aid Weight Loss – Study
Put the kettle on. A good tip to boost your metabolism and burn fat faster is to drink tea. Chinese teas such as green tea and Oolong tea are better to boost your metabolism. However, be sure to minimize your intake of these teas if you suffer from high blood pressure. If you suffer from this condition, try drinking the caffeine free variants instead.
READ ALSO: 5 Simple Tips to Keep Your Weight in Check During Pregnancy
Turn off the TV. Eating while watching TV is a bad habit as it serves as a distraction and makes you unaware of how quickly you are eating. You therefore tend to eat much larger portions than is required before the body can register that it is full.
If you are a couch potato and find yourself constantly eating or snacking while watching TV, do yourself a favour by quitting. Always turn off the TV or drop that juicy novel and drag yourself to the dining table. Once the meal is over, avoid unnecessary snacking and you would have avoided consuming extra calories.
Focus on your weight loss goals. There will be days during your weight loss program that things will not go according to plan. Maybe you ate a little too much or didn’t see the expected progress on your scale. The important thing is to stick to your routine, resisting the temptation to quit. You must realize quitting is a sure way to ensure you never reach your target weight.
Remember also to keep your weight loss goals realistic and not compare yourself to others. This piece of advice is especially important to women who lose weight at a much slower rate than men. It’s worthy to note also that sometimes your weight loss may not show on the bathroom scales as you lose fat and gain muscle. Your muscle mass weighs heavier than fat, hence, it’s a good idea to check your waist, hip and chest measurements as well to track your progress.
Noted. Thanks MIM.
Thanks for the reminder, I lost focus
Thanks MIM
Thanks a million
Thanks mim