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Woman Went To The Doctor To Remove What She Thought Were Kidney Stones, See What They Removed Instead

Woman Went To The Doctor To Remove What She Thought Were Kidney Stones, See What They Removed Instead

A mother of three, Stephanie Jaegers and her husband, Micheal were told by Doctors’ that it’s unlikely that Stephanie would be able to have another child after the birth of her third child. So when Stephanie told her husband, Micheal that she needed to go to the hospital because of her frequent abdominal pain, she thought they might be caused by kidney stones.

Arriving at Piedmont Henry Hospital in Stockbridge, the doctor asked if Stephanie might be pregnant. She said no, and doctors began preparing her for x-rays. Stephanie was hoping doctors would perform a CT scan and find out what was causing her agony.

But after some observations, doctors had a sudden change of plans. Instead, they performed an ultrasound and told her she was about to have a bundle of joy. Stephanie was 38 weeks gone.

Within 30 minutes, doctors were preparing Stephanie to give birth.

At 3:50 a.m. on Wednesday, Shaun Jude Jaegers came into the world. At 7 pounds, 3 oz and 19 inches long, he appeared to be a very healthy baby. That’s even more amazing considering they had no prenatal care.


Stephanie’s husband, told WXIA,

“There are no words to describe the range of feelings associated with being told that you’re having a baby in 30 minutes

“It wasn’t until we heard the heartbeat that reality set in,” Michael added.

The excited father Michael, explained in a Facebook post, he said.

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‘Shaun was breech throughout the entire pregnancy which prevented him from moving around to indicate to Steph that he was in there and his position made it to where Steph didn’t “show”. The most bizarre part is she continued to have a menstrual cycle, which the hospital tells us is rare, but can happen’

Stephanie made it through an entire pregnancy without ever knowing she was pregnant. So amazing!

Photo credit: Facebook



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