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5 Ways To Get Rid Of Your Smelly Veejay

5 Ways To Get Rid Of Your Smelly Veejay

Every lady has her own unique smell down south. The truth is, you will smell down there, you sweat, there is skin to skin contact happening down there, that depends also on a persons body mass. There are a lot of reasons why your vagina might smell. Yeast infections are most of the time always the common culprit, anti-biotics could also affect the smell down there, a weak immune system, stress amidst a lot of other reasons.

You can raise a red flag when that smell starts to reach the next person beside you. That’s when there is a serious problem and you might want to see make a visit to the Gynecologist. There are however, home remedies that you can try out your self if you are a bit nervous about opening your lady parts to a total stranger.

Check them out:

  • Garlic. Garlic is an ancient medicinal remedy; used since the time of ancient Egypt.  The ancient Egyptians would mix honey and garlic together to treat toothaches (Heinerman; 1994). powerful chemical constituents in garlic. Tie a string to a peeled clove of garlic and insert into your vagina at night. There is a strong connection between the vagina and the mouth, there’s a chance that the taste will travel up to your mouth. Its recommended to try this at night,if you don’t want to risk having garlic breath through out the day.
  • Douching. ”douche” is French for ”wash” or ”soak. It is the process of washing out the vagina from the inside out. Douches are sold in supermarkets or pharmacies, they contain antiseptics with a spray sometimes attached to the bottle to make it easy to spray inwards. Although this isn’t very advisable because it might disrupt the vaginas natural Ph balance, in some serious cases it is used.
  • Adequate Hydration. what ever goes into your body will affect your body, especially down there. It isn’t news to any of us any more the healing and miracle properties of water. Always stay hydrated. Always! one can never have to much of water.
  • Good Hygiene. As the old saying goes, “cleanliness is next to Godliness.” If one wants to attain a godly level, she must stay clean. If possible, avoid using fragrance soaps to wash the vagina, clean warm water is good enough. Remember the vagina has its own acidic properties to keep it A-Okay.
  • Yogurt. Home Remedies tells us that Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus which is friendly bacteria usually found in our intestines and vagina. When this bacterium interacts with sugar present in our diet, it generates hydrogen peroxide through a chemical process called fermentation. This hydrogen peroxide kills the yeast infection. The probiotics or the friendly bacteria present in yogurt restore the balance between the good and bacteria in the body. Usually, yeast thrives in a less acidic environment. By balancing the acidic levels yogurt makes it difficult for the yeast to grow or spread. You can freeze some yogurt into Popsicle and insert into your vagina also applying some on your labia and vaginal openings.
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