6 Signs Your Baby Is Getting Enough Breast Milk

Are you a nursing mum and worried your baby isn’t getting enough breast milk? Here are typical signs to look out for that show baby is getting enough milk for optimal nourishment and there’s no need to worry…
1. Breasts feel softer or less turgid after nursing. This shows baby has emptied a significant amount of milk. In addition, baby should seem satisfied and relaxed.
2. Baby latches properly, sucks rapidly and swallows. If baby is well latched onto your breast (see how to tell here), sucks rhythmically and swallows milk (you should see his jaw drop as he swallows and swallowing sounds should be audible), these are signs adequate milk is being released and baby is getting his fill.
A baby who isn’t getting enough milk may suck rapidly but take long pauses during breastfeeding or fall asleep repeatedly while nursing.
3. Frequency of feeds. Baby should also nurse frequently – an average of at least 8-12 feedings per 24-hours and feed for at least 10 – 20 minutes on each breast. However, if a baby feeds at less than an hour intervals and stays on the breasts for longer than an hour, see a paediatrician to be sure there’s no problem.
Note also that a baby that is sleeping rather than feeding every 2-3 hours and lethargic needs to be evaluated by a paediatrician.
4. Baby is gaining weight. Weight gain and growth in length and head circumference after initial weight loss between 0 – 2 weeks, is another typical sign baby is getting enough breast milk.
According to BabyCentre, baby should typically gain 5 to 10 ounces per week in the first month, 5 to 8 ounces a week in months 2 and 3, between 2.5 and 4.5 ounces a week in months 3 to 6, and1 to 3 ounces a week from 6 to 12 months.
5. Colour of urine. A baby that’s getting enough breast milk is usually properly hydrated. So, observe the colour of baby’s urine. Pale or water-coloured urine indicates proper hydration while dark or apple-juice-coloured one after the first four days may indicate baby is not getting enough milk.
6. His diapers. Baby should have at least six to eight wet diapers and two or more dirty diapers every 24 hours. Exclusively breastfed babies usually have yellowish or slightly green stools with mushy or creamy consistency.
Baby should also have firm skin, good skin colour and muscle tone, be alert and active, and look healthy.
Thanks for sharing
Noted. Thanks MIM for sharing.
thanks MIM