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From A Man’s Perspective: 7 Ways To Prevent Your Husband From Cheating

From A Man’s Perspective: 7 Ways To Prevent Your Husband From Cheating

By Felix Amos

This article has been written by a man and solely from a man’s perspective. Will you ditch or keep? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.


Always ensure your man is sexually satisfied. I mean get him exhausted and leave him with no energy to admire another woman. When men are sexually exhausted, they tend to be more focused and are not easily distracted.


What is it that thing that attracted your man to you? Whatever it is, keep it alive. The problem with most ladies is that after marriage they tend to lose that power of attraction after they become wives. Whatever made a man fall in love with you is the same thing that will keep him in love, so ensure you don’t lose that because that’s the fundamentals upon which your relationship is built.

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Let your man be so proud and bold enough to boast about your beauty and sense of style. Don’t allow domestic affairs or chores make you look like a house maid. You must also know when to wear what. Be extremely sexy when it’s bedtime. I mean do all you can to seduce your man frequently. Don’t always wait for him to demand for sex, make him demand for it.


Couples tend to be drawn apart with the birth of each child. The woman spends more time with the kids making the man jealous and lonely. Every man secretly wants to spend time with their wives just as it was before the kids were born. So, the woman must try to balance children’s affair with husband’s affair. Remember, your husband is the bone of your bone and flesh of your flesh. He needs that companionship. Marriage is not all about the kids, take care of the emotions and the friendship too.


Men don’t like staying around women who nag. They may choose to spend more time outside so as to avoid being nagged. This exposes them to women out there ready to welcome them into their arms and shower them with love. Once a man begins to appreciate the attitude of another woman over his wife, especially one with whom he has peace of mind and care, he becomes lost to her. Give him peace, show him care.


See Also

Every woman should endeavor to keep their vagina tight to give their man maximum pleasure. This is one of the major reason why first time cheating husbands have the tendency to continue -when they find out that another woman is more sexually fulfilling than their wives. Childbirth, majorly slackens the vagina’s elasticity but there are exercises that can help in such cases. Remember! these are what those ladies out there do to ensure that any man that cross them wish for more.

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This is the most difficult, yet the most safe guarding. Wives should endeavour to see that a quarrel doesn’t crossover the night to the next day. The longer a quarrel last, the more room you allow the devil. If a couple can overlook quarrels and make love, they will end up singing a different song. Through sexual two flesh truly becomes one. It settles quarrels like magic.

Do you all agree with Felix Amos? Are these tips realistic and can they truly prevent a man from cheating?

Felix Amos is a relationship coach

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