8 Things Every Mum Should Do in 2017

Being the 10th day of the year 2017, its not too late to wish every mum out there a happy new year!
As an organised mum, you probably have the year booked, for the kids, for your husband and for your self. You have probably jotted down things you didn’t do to well in 2016, and how you would like to improve on those things this year. Well, 2017 is more or less a sort of do-over, we have compiled a small list of what resolutions mums should endeavour to make and keep this year.
1) Sleep More This Year
In this new year mum, take the time to sleep. In as much as you are trying to keep your home in order, accept that it is okay to leave some things undone. Don’t rush to try to get things in order the moment your little ones close their eyes. Remember that you are a human and not a robot, you need to get your energy level back on track to function optimally.
2) Eat Properly This Year
You owe it to your body and to your self to be healthy always. Its okay to indulge once in a while in your favorite snack, once in a while o. Remember that you have to lead your little one by example.
3) Have More Patience This Year
Strive to indulge in the art of being more patient with your child, your husband and yourself. Don’t rush things and miss the point or the beauty of life as you go about your busy life. It’s amazing what stopping to take a breath can do for you. You get to listen better and understand better.
4) Spend Less Time With Your Phone This Year!
A lot of mums are guilty of this ‘past time‘. You might feel a little jealous seeing your husband chatting away or just browsing the internet, but the moment you do the same, that’s when your little one wants your undivided attention. It’s okay because you are your child’s hero after all! Spend less time on your smart phones and more time mentoring your little ones.
5) Get Help This Year
It is okay to admit that you need help. All moms are different and they all have different capacities. And we all have different capacities. Some women can handle all their housekeeping responsibilities, while some need the extra help to function better. Don’t apologize or feel bad about it. Get help this year if you need it.
6) Take Time Out For Your Self This Year
Call that friend you haven’t seen in a long time, join a gym, a dance class, pick up a hobby. While the children are having siesta, indulge yourself in some uplifting activities you love.
7) Date Your Partner This Year
Yes, there are the occasional weddings, owmabe parties e.t.c that the buzzing Lagos life affords you. Remember the connection you had with your partner on those outings when you first started dating? Recreate those moments.
8) Have More Sex This Year!
Let the beast out this year! Give it a little try and see what effect it has on your marriage. Yes things can get a bit tiring when raising children, but you must make time for sex with your husband. Don’t neglect your spouse. Try something new. Throw out your old lingerie and buy some new, sexy ones. Research some new sex positions and try them out with your hubby. Be flirtatious and adventurous with him. Trust us, he will love it!
Woa! Thanks for this
Thanks MIM, I really plan to take care of myself this year, God help me.
I love this!
thanks for shearing
I am not a mom yet, but I need to love myself more this year. Thanks for sharing MIM.
Correct…. Thanks for sharing
I love this. Thanks for sharing