7 Things Not To Say To A Stay At Home Mum

Being a mom is a 24-hour job! There are really no breaks or vacations, especially when you still have small children.
While some moms may choose to balance motherhood with a professional career, others prefer to be full-time stay-at-home moms.
Read Also: 7 Things Not To Say to A Working Mum
The fact that you choose not to be a stay- at-home mom does not make you better than those who have made a choice to do that. Therefore, watch your words and be as kind and tolerant as possible.
Here are some things that are absolutely not permissible to say to a stay at home mum:
1.”What exactly do you do all day”
These sort of remarks often infer that a mother who stays at home doesn’t do much at all. When the exact opposite is the case. When you are a stay at home mum with toddlers or infants, you have your hands full to the brim between picking up toys, changing diapers and cleaning poo or pee stains from the house, and maintaining the household.
2. “Its like having a vacation all year long”
A vacation means you get to relax, have fun and just lounge. A stay at home mum doesn’t have this luxury at all! It’s pretty much a 24-hour job as earlier mentioned.
3. “Don’t you want a fulfilling job?”
Practically she doesn’t get leave or get paid for being a stay at home mum. The best reward is however, having to get hugs or kisses from her child, watching helping them through mile stones, watching their baby grow from stubby feet to firm and strong steps… That is a fulfilling job.
4. “You must get so bored”
Yes, staying at home has its down sides, but it is far from boring most of the time. Every day is a new day and you never know what life will throw at you. She is a nurse when her kids are sick, other times she is rolling around on the floor with them as their play mate, she is their personal chef…. in fact she is busy all day.
5. “You must have so much free time”
There is no such thing as free time! She cannot go to the toilet, without her toddler waiting for her at the other end. Most of the time she has to cook with an infant on her hip or do laundry while a toddler is throwing some things all over the place.
6. “What do you do when your children are in school?”
This question sometimes comes off as rude to most mums, even if they wont lash out at you for it. Because their children are at school does not mean they will be at home all day sleeping or out watching a movie. House work never finishes in an organised household, especially one with little children. When children are at school, these mommies get things cleaned, washed, ironed, and dinner prepared.
7. “I wish i could stay at home and not work, you are so lucky”
Because she stays at home, doesn’t mean she doesn’t work. She might just be handling a job that allows her work comfortably from home. She is under just as much pressure as a 9 – 5 working mum.
Thanks for sharing
OMG!story of my life, no 3,6 and 7 r the most rude
And you should do so that you work and start helping or have your own money
Sadly those ones giving you that advice still run to you to borrow from you or buy things from you if you sell and don’t pay
Nigerians should know pokenosing into what is not their business is rude biko
Noted. Thanks.
Some of these are really annoying but people say that on daily basis.
Very correct, sometime i envy them