How to Get Rid of That Bra Bulge with These 5 Exercise Moves

There’s this big night coming up, you’ve been dieting for a while to rock in that dress, the big night comes and you find that you have this bulge of fat hanging below your bra strap, above it and even within the back strap…that just kills your motivation doesn’t it?
Some women have decided to live with it an accept it as part of their body figure, some women are too bothered by it, that they pretend it isn’t there. What ever you do, you have to accept that it is there and shouldn’t be there. You do not even have to be fat or over weight to have a bra bulge. It can be developed over a period of time and is sometimes as a result of not wearing the right size. But a lot of times, this bulge is actually due to excess fat.
Popular fitness company, Livestrong, has shared some exercise moves that can help you tone those muscles and get rid of that bulge.
You’ll need a mat, or clean area on the floor and two 2 kg weights for beginners. If you have a higher fitness level, you can use heavier weights.
1. Pulling Straps With Weights (10 reps)
Setup: Lie flat on your tummy, put your legs together and arms outstretched. like a “T” formation.
Action: Hold your weights with your arms reaching straight out. Hover your arms about an inch above the mat. Draw your arms back toward your hips as you lengthen and lift your head and chest up off the mat. Bring your arms back to the side as you lower back down.
2. Serratus Push-Ups (12-15 reps)
Setup: Position your body in a forearm plank. Arms are shoulder-distance apart and parallel like the numeral eleven.
Action: Dip your chest down an inch toward the ground, then press your chest back up.
3. Up and Downs (10 reps per side)
Setup: Stay in forearm plank position, keeping your tummy deeply scooped in toward your spine.
Action: Place one hand down flat on the ground where that elbow was. Place the other hand down flat where that elbow was — basically, you’re pushing up to flat-palm plank one arm at a time. Lower back down to one forearm then the other. Do this as quickly as you can 10 times, then start by placing the other hand down first for another 10 reps.
4. Side Bend (10 reps per side)
Setup: Lie propped up on one side, Make sure your knees are softly bent with the top arm draped over the top leg, Your other hand is anchored flat to the mat.
Action: Lift your hips and straighten your legs out. Raise your top arm out and over your head. Lower back down to the starting position.
5. Leg Pull-Down Combo (8 reps)
Setup: Start in a flat-palm plank, hands directly under the shoulders. Lift one foot a few inches off the mat to hover, toes softly pointed.
Action: Rock your body weight forward an inch and back an inch, keeping your body in a strong plank throughout. Repeat 3 times then switch to the other foot. Repeat on both sides, 8 times.
Remember, as you incorporate these moves into your routine, consistency is key. If you don’t have a routine, start out with one that can suit your life style. A walk or a jog in the evening will go an awfully long way.
Thanks MIM
Thanks for sharing.
yes ooo,it works tnx for the reminder
thanx mim
Thanks MIM