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7 Ways To Make Your Kid Smarter

7 Ways To Make Your Kid Smarter

Look at your child the way you look at clay, you have to mold them properly and carefully, instill in them the right types of values, characters and attributes you would want your child to be associated with.

Here are 10 habits to adopt in order to ensure you mold your child into a smarter kid.

1. Ensure they get enough sleep

The benefits of sleep for brain development are endless. Sleeping assists learning, especially the ability to retain information. It also improves attention span. This would automatically mean that they have a more productive day at school.

2.  Ensure they never skip breakfast

A child’s brain needs a proper balance of nutrients such as glucose, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B, zinc, and folic acid. Kids who eat breakfast, and healthy breakfasts at that, have better memory and longer attention spans. Whole grain cereals and oatmeal have been found to be better morning foods than sugary cereals like Frosties or Cocoa Pops.

3. Read With Them, Not To Them

When your child reads, they absorb new information, especially written and spoken word, more effectively. This goes back to active learning, by engaging in the story, pointing to pictures and talking with your little one as you read a book. Try to bring the book to life with new techniques. It takes devoted time to accomplish this, so invest wisely.

4. Real-life experience

Make sure your children get out and see the world around them. Take them out to see people who are not as privileged as they are.  Let them see those that are more privileged than they are. Every experience and every single place your child goes to is a learning experience for them, thus; making them knowledgeable about the world around them.

5. Physical activity

A study by the University of Illinois concluded that children perform better academically when thwey are involved in physical activities. They also have higher levels of self-esteem and confidence. For this reason, you should encourage physical activities at school and at home. Better still, go out there and play with your kids.

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6. Praise good effort, not intelligence

Focus your praise on the effort your kids put into succeeding at tasks. This helps the child to focus more on learning and new challenges. Praising a child based on intelligence will make that child fixated on the anticipated praise. When it does not come, they might get hurt, or their self-confidence may get damaged in the process.

7. Let your kids learn a second language

The peak of language learning ability ends before puberty, according to  It has been shown that young children can learn new languages with nearly perfect fluency and pronunciation if they are introduced to it early enough. Research has also proven that bilingual kids can focus better under pressure and focus better on relevant information.


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