3 Uncommon Reasons Why a Woman May Not Get Pregnant

Some women find it difficult to get pregnant and apart from infertility, there are other reasons why this may be the case. A woman might be healthy as a horse, but certain unknown factors might just be delaying your miracle of birth from happening. Find out more below.
1. Stress
Stress is going to take it’s toll on you physically. Stress triggers the production of cortisol, this hormone knocks another hormone called progesterone, which is responsible for helping a woman get pregnant and stay pregnant out of balance. According to naturopathic doctor Via Bitidis, co-director of the North Toronto Naturopathic Clinic, she says “When you’re stressed your adrenal system takes a hit. Your body isn’t going to say, ‘Okay, let’s get pregnant.’ Learning to say no and to take time for yourself is important for improving your chances of having a baby.” Megan Karnis, medical director of The ONE Fertility Clinic in Burlington, Ont., agrees to this line of thought, but warns: “A lot of women think the best thing to do when you’re stressed is to take time off work. In my experience, that doesn’t help, because it makes a woman feel she has to get pregnant in that time and then the stress to get pregnant is so much higher,” she says. Instead of altering your day-to-day routine, she recommends easier ways to cool off such as counselling or meditation.
READ ALSO: Stress Makes Getting Pregnant Twice As Hard – Study
2. You have the universal blood type, O+ or O-
A woman who has this blood type, does not necessarily have trouble conceiving. However, research conducted at Yale University School of Medicine got our attention because findings state that women in their 30’s with type O were twice as likely as other blood types to have a hormone profile that made their ovaries seem older than their age. In short, their FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) levels are much lower than it should be. The FSH is the hormone that stimulates the growth of ovarian follicles in the ovary before the release of an egg from one follicle at ovulation. Women with blood type O who have been struggling to conceive, are advised to check mate their lifestyles now with other factors known to reduce fertility. For instance. if smoking, avid consumption of alcohol, the age your mother reached menopause, e.t.c.
3. Your gums bleed when you brush
Thanks MIM
Wow. Number 2 and 3 are coming to me as a huge surprise. Thanks for enlightening me MIM