A to J Of Baby Sleeping Solutions

It is no longer news, that getting babies to sleep is sometimes a difficult task that parents are faced with. Especially when they are below one year. Thankfully, Parenting.com has published a very interesting article that will help you and your little one earn the much-needed sleep that is desired. Here are some of their tips, tricks and facts to help you get your baby sleeping…
A – Avoid eye contact
Prolonged or animated eye contact with you is one of the most stimulating things for babies. So, avert your eyes when you’re putting him to sleep or calming her when she wakes at night.
B – Bathtime
Warm water, combined with soft and loving strokes with a washcloth can relax just about anyone. Keep voices and activity low to make bath time a soothing experience for your little one.
C – Co-Sleeping
Whether you’re into it or not, studies show that children who co-sleep with their parents grow up with higher self-esteem and less anxiety. To co-sleep safely, place a co-sleeper or bassinet next to your bed.
D – Dreamfeed
If your baby is the type that wakes at night hungry, a dreamfeed might help.According to Robert Bucknam, M.D., in On Becoming Babywise, the term dreamfeed refers to a parent-directed, late-evening feeding. Instead of waiting for her to wake up hungry, feed your baby before you go to bed, while she is asleep. Some believe the extra feeding fills her belly just enough to earn a bit more uninterrupted sleep.
E – Empty the Crib
Keep the sleep area free of everything. Blankets, bumpers and stuffed animals can increase the odds of suffocation or choking. A fitted sheet is all he needs on his mattress. If you’re worried about warmth, one blanket will suffice.
F – Fragrance
Some babies can be lured to sleep with sweet smelling fragrances. Try a drop or two of natural lavender oil on a tissue and place it near the bed, because they are known for their relaxation and anti-anxiety benefits. fragrances are not recommended for children less than 6 months old. So for those too young try an unscented laundry detergent when washing crib bedding to reduce discomfort.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a commonly undiagnosed medical reason why some babies have problems sleeping. Caused by a malfunction in the muscle where the esophagus meets the stomach, GERD results in acids being drawn up into your baby’s esophagus, causing pain. Symptoms to look for include spitting up, colic-like fussing, wheezing, choking or gagging, and feeding problems. If you have any concerns about GERD, check with your pediatrician.
H – Hands-On
When you transfer your baby into the crib at bedtime, try putting your hand gently on her stomach, arms and head to give comfort. Something as simple as having you close can fasten sleep process.
I – Ideal Bedtime
An overtired baby is often impossible to get to sleep. Setting an established bedtime is important. Nancy M. Silva, M.D., fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and certified pediatrician in Brandon, Florida believes that 6:30 and 7 p.m is an appropriate bedtime babies under 1 year old. Surprisingly, early to bed does not necessarily mean early to rise, and a good night’s sleep often results in later wake-up times.
J – Jammies
Babies develop sensitivity to synthetic fabrics, which can irritate sleep. Try natural fibers, like cotton, to avoid irritation.
Thanks MIM
Thanks for sharing MIM.
thnk mim
Thanks MIM