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7 Fun Gender Prediction Tests You Should Try

7 Fun Gender Prediction Tests You Should Try

Thanks to technological advancements it’s not that difficult to find out whether you’re having a boy or a girl. However, before the advancements of these gadgets, midwives had these “old wives tale” that helped with a baby’s gender prediction.

Of course, these tests may be considered rubbish or a waste of time from a medical perspective, they are still fun and interesting to try out, especially with your partner. See some of them below:

1. Baking soda

Pour your urine into a clear cup containing two tablespoons of baking soda. If it fizzles like soda it means it’s a boy, if it doesnt and is just flat, then it’s a girl.

2. Ring on a string

Tie a string around your wedding band and dangle it over the top of your belly or wrist. If the ring moves in circles, it’s a girl. If it moves from side to side, it’s a boy.

3. The Even/Odd Mayan System

The old folk of the Maya civilization, developed a method of predicting a baby’s sex. They look at the mother’s age at conception and the year of conception. If both numbers are even or odd, then its a girl. If one is even and the other is odd, then it’s a boy.

4. Acne

It is often said that baby girls steal their mother’s beauty. If you’re carrying a girl, you may end up having a lot of acne or break outs. If you’re having a boy, you might go on through pregnancy with clean clear skin.

5. A high or low bump

See Also

This old wives’ tale believes that by the time you reach your due date, if your bump is high, you’re pregnant with a girl. If your bump sits low, you’ll be welcoming a boy.

6. The Feel Of Your Skin

Carrying a boy is said to give you dry skin, so if you’re enjoying silky smooth skin, you could be expecting a little girl.

7. Hair glory

If your hair becomes thick and glossy and full, make no mistake, your’e carrying a boy. If your hair is so dull and limp, sometimes even falling off, you will be expecting a girl, because baby girls take all the beauty from their mothers.

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