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5 Things No One Tells You About Being a Mother

5 Things No One Tells You About Being a Mother

Being a mother is wonderful. Words don’t do justice to the sacrifices and tears a mother has to endure, right from gestation up till raising the child. However, there are some hidden facts and truths about motherhood, that all women have or experience but sometimes are too scared to share. See some of them below.

1: You May Never Be the Same Down There

After carrying a baby in your womb for nine months and pushing it out, your birth canal may never be the same again. Your husband or partner will feel the difference. Which is why post natal exercises and physiotherapy ought to be taken seriously. Your vagina may bounce back to what is use to be but it will   require a lot of effort and time.

2: You Might Question Your Parents in Ways You Never Did Before

Being a mother has a way of making you reevaluate your own childhood. In many ways, it helps you appreciate your parents’ sacrifices, the things they taught you, and the things they did not teach you. You may even get to understand some of the reasons behind the decisions they made. Having your own children can also reopen old wounds. It can also be heartbreaking and worrying, as you know you’ll make some mistakes along the way, just as your parents did.

3: You Start To Understand How Parents Lose Their Patience

Before you had children, you could never understand how a mother or father could be so abusive or mean to their own kids, or just snap by simply shouting or raising her voice. After kids, you realize how physically and mentally exhausting it can be. How the cries can be ear-piercing. How much a toddler can really test your already low patience. However as an adjusted adult, you’ll find ways to cope, that will never include abuse. But on the other hand you do realize now how easy it would be for a less stable parent to get to that point.

4: Your Partner Can Easily Become Just a Roommate

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Amidst the many reasons marriages loose spice, it isn’t uncommon for parenting to be an issue Parents tend to get so wrapped up in parenting that they become nothing but roommates to each other. It’s rarely a conscious choice; it’s something you slip into. If a conscious effort is not made to prioritize your husband, he will be nothing more than a roommate to you.

5: No Matter How Much You Give, It Might Never Feel Like Enough

When you are a mum, you want to give your children the world, but not make them ungrateful or spoilt. Of course, you realize that your toddler cannot fully understand the weight of the sacrifices that you make; somehow you want your work acknowledged. You can feel like you give, and give, and give, and no one sees what you’re doing. You might feel as though you can never measure up to other mothers or the way they handle their families we are here to tell you that you give all that you can, and it is enough. It’s just not always easy to recognize, or remember, that.

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