Sponsored Post: 3 Types of Weight Loss Surgery Available in Nigeria

Weight gain is a predominant problem besetting both men and women alike in our society. As Nigerians, our staple foods constituting mainly of starch and and the general lackadaisical attitude towards a healthy lifestyle of exercising and healthy eating takes the blame.
Whatever the reason may be, the fact is this: There is an increasing number o f men and women in Nigeria who are battling with weight gain issues and are looking for a way out.
Weight-loss surgery is usually not an option until all other options have failed. Although surgeries have risks, there are lots of positive outcomes, which may encourage people to opt for this despite how pricey it can be.
In these current times, we now have a clinic in Nigeria with world-class standards of weight-loss surgery procedures. Below are three types of surgeries that you can have in the comfort of your motherland.
1. The Gastric Balloon
This procedure is not a surgery per-say, but considering the fact that you will have to have something placed inside you, you could call it a mini-surgery. It is a clinically proven way to reduce hunger which entails the insertion of a soft, silicon balloon-like tool into your stomach for a period of six months. During the six months that the gastric balloon is in place, it will work to help you feel full, thus reducing the urge to consume too much food, whilst you undergo a weight loss program with the help and support of doctors and dietitians.
This procedure offered by the Weight loss and Metabolic Surgery Clinics in Ikoyi, Lagos, guarantees that patients will loose between 15 – 25 kg in the first 6 months, although results will vary according to individuals.
2. Lap Sleeve Gastrectomy
This procedure, offered also by the Weight loss and Metabolic Surgery Clinics permanently removes 70% of the stomach. The stomach continues to function as normal, but is simply smaller, which reduces the appetite and makes it easier to cut down dramatically on calorie intake. Also, the part of the stomach removed is the area responsible for secreting the hormone “Ghrelin”, which is responsible for appetite and hunger – the near elimination of this hormone results in a significant reduction or loss of appetite. This is almost guaranteed to reduce 50% of unwanted body fat.
3. Bariatric Surgery
This is a group of surgeries also performed by Weight loss and Metabolic Surgery Clinics to achieve a long term weight loss alongside treating health problems like diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis etc.
These procedures are performed through both open and laparoscopic (a surgery where operations are performed far from their locations) techniques. They are associated with less pain and faster recovery. The listed surgeries are also believed to eliminate 60-70% of excess body weight, and aloso cures or improves at least 80 % of certain health conditions like high blood pressure, type2 diabetes, sleep apnea, polycystic ovaries and joint pains.
Our approach originates from a multi-disciplinary view to patient needs and offers patients’ treatment options which are based on the expertise and high level of experience our team possess in the area of metabolic and bariatric surgery.
We fully understand the personal and confidential nature of each case and aim to provide a first class service. The next step now is for you to make an appointment with Dr Abuchi OKARO MS FRCS FWACS.
Dr. Abuchi Okaro specializes in Upper gastro-intestinal Oncology and Bariatric (weight loss) surgery. He was trained in the UK and in Tokyo, Japan and he is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England and holds a Masters in Surgery Degree from the University of London. He has widely published scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented lectures in national and international meetings.
He runs the Weight loss and Metabolic Surgery Clinics, Lagos, Nigeria; the first of its kind – a surgical weight management unit dedicated to delivering evidence based and safe weight loss advice and treatments in Lagos, the Heart of Nigeria. He believes that part of his calling is to bring world-class experience to solve the big health problems we have in Nigeria.
So we now have a clinic like this in Nigeria? That’s interesting. Thanks for the info MIM.
Nice one…..Thanks
thanx mim