‘Leave your wife’s money alone’ – Perfumer Adewale Aladejana Shares Words of Wisdom to Husbands

Master Perfumer Adewale Aladejana, who tags himself as a “Social Media Evangelist”, has shared some words of advise via his Instagram page.
He advises fellow men to leave their wives’ money because no woman prayed for a man she will be splitting bills with.
”1. Leave your wife’s money alone: No woman prayed for a husband she will be sharing bills with, every woman prays for a rich husband.
If you truly want to enjoy your marriage and earn the respect of your wife, leave her money alone. I understand that if both of you are working you can put money together for rent, school fees and all but you must never make it a lifestyle.
If you take money from her make sure you give back more than you collected.
Try this: whenever you need money, sow money to your wife and watch what God will do.
2. Practice what you preach: You cannot have a pot belly and tell your wife to be a size 8, you cannot stay at home on Sundays and ask her to be a prayer warrior.
You cannot expect her to submit and respect you when you are not a provider and working hard to give her the best.
3. Never stop dating your wife: you have to stay hot for your wife, let her be proud to say “that’s my man” one deadly mistake you can make is to think that nobody is trying to seduce your wife because you are married to her.
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You must give her attention, take her out, spoil her, don’t stop doing the little things that brought you together in the first place.
If you treat her bad or make her feel like she’s nothing, she will find attention elsewhere, you must safeguard your wife against Yoruba demons, Hausa demons and all sorts of demons.
May you receive common sense in Jesus name.
READ ALSO: Why Newlywed Nigerian Man Doesn’t Want Anyone Advising His Wife
You too can be a social media evangelist kindly share so that others can be blessed as you have been blessed. Thank you for reading.
Just two days ago, he also shared this wonderful piece on ‘What Every Woman Should Know’
There are three situations that make men extremely vulnerable;
1. A woman in need of help; 90% of men will stop to help a woman whose car had a flat tyre on the express. Men love to be heroes and a damsel in distress is irresistible. Many women know this and the ones who don’t have lost their husbands to those who know. A man wants to be needed.
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2. A sex starved husband with a nagging wife: Men will not do without 4 things and they will go anywhere to find it exactly the way they want. These are respect, food, sex and peace of mind.
If a man doesn’t feel appreciated, respected and he goes hungry and sex starved in his own house he will stop coming home. He may be wearing a ring but he is searching for the woman who can give him all he wants.
3. A trophy wife: Every man wants a trophy wife, when a man begins to make money he is looking for a woman he can enjoy the money with, enjoying money all by yourself is boring so he looks for a woman he can buy jewelry, shoes, hair, clothes, bags and cars for, he needs a woman to mirror and complement his success.
Unfortunately many married women don’t know that a man with money attracts women like sugar attracts ants.
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Women you must know that if he is rich there will be competition and you must be wise to position yourself. If your husband can pay you better than the job you are doing now, quit your job and make it a family business.
If your husband goes on business trips with the beautiful, sexy secretary and other women who are well dressed because you want to live your own life its just a matter of time because men depend on those around them and if the most dependable woman around him is not you but a beautiful sexy woman get ready for stories that touch.
May God give you wisdom in Jesus name.”
Photo credit: Instagram
He’s saying the truth.
He is so spot on. Sadly a lot of men might disagree.