What You Need to Know About Postpartum Depression

The feeling of being a mother comes with excitement and a lot of anticipation. The woman is full of joy and eager to raise her child. She has planned all the exciting and sweet thing she wants to do for her baby, one of which is playing dress up with her little one. You know you cannot wait to get your baby into those cute little clothes and accessories you’ve purchased ahead of time.
Even when she feels exhausted, moody or worried which are the common short lived cons that comes with being a new mother, commonly referred to as “baby blues”, she would not change her experience nor trade her munchkin for anything in the world.
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But not all new mothers feel this way. Some may experience more intense feelings like anger, anxiety and a total loss of interest in their baby. This feeling is what is referred to as Postpartum Depression (PPD). It is a mood disorder, a severe form of depression that happens to a woman after childbirth. It starts to occur in the first few weeks after childbirth.
Below are the signs to watch out for in a New mother. If she is feeling any of the following, then she is likely experiencing a PPD:
- Total disconnect from her baby and incapable of coping and bonding with the child.
- Feelings of complete hopelessness in her role as a mother and in caring for the child.
- Loss of interest in regular activities that would normally excite her.
- Thoughts of harming the baby and/or herself.
- Excessive crying for no particular reason.
- Feelings of restlessness.
- Experiences panic attacks.
- Obsessing – repeatedly going over thoughts.
- Insomnia. Exhausted yet can’t sleep or sleeping all the time.
- Looking down on herself and having difficulties in making decisions.
Postpartum depression unlike baby blues does not usually go away on it’s own, except it is treated. And if left untreated, it could worsen and may lead to a more troubling behavior and may ruin relationships. There are medical treatments as well as psychotherapy available to the depressed mother.
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A woman who is depressed needs a lot of patience, understanding and help. As her partner, you need to provide her with all the support she needs in such a difficult time and also, contact your Doctor as soon as possible so that treatment can be administered to her on time.
Thank you MIM.
Thanks MIM