Pregnancy and Delivery: What Your Cervix Looks Like During Labour Stages

Afi Tugbewofia Dotse
The cervix is the opening of the womb into the vagina. It opens slightly to permit the entry of sperm for fertilisation of the egg. Once fertilisation has occurred and it’s implanted in the womb, the cervix is closed to prevent the miscarriage of the fetus.
During pregnancy the cervix (mouth of the womb) is closed tightly. It will remain closed until the fetus is due for delivery. During the few weeks prior to delivery, it begins to shorten in length and this begin the process of it opening once labour sets in.
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When a woman is due, it undergoes changes to open up. Once labour starts it will begin to open. It must open fully to 10cm diameter to allow birthing. In most women, it opens 1cm per hour but this is faster after multiple deliveries.
There are two stages of labour (for purposes of our discussion). In first time moms, it can take several hours or even days to go through the first stage of labour. Once the second phase is entered i.e after the cervix dilates to 4cm, cervix will dilate at a rate of 1cm/hour but this can be faster for women with multiple deliveries.

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The cervix must undergo a full dilatation of 10cm to allow the delivery of the fetus. If a woman pushes before full dilatation, a common complication is the tear of the cervix which is a difficult organ to repair. Women can bleed heavily from cervical tears.
Wow well detailed information. Thanks AFI Tugbewofia Dotse. Thanks MIM for sharing.
Wow……how it all goes back to normal is still amazing to me.
Super women, datz what mums are
MISM, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks MIM
Hmmm. Interesting. Thanks MIM for this wonderful peice. Learning activated.
Infact God did a miracle in my cervix when I was in labour
Tnkx MIM for sharing
Thanks mim for that wonderful piece.
Thanks for sharing MIM. I had cervical tear during delivery, it wasn’t a funny experience cause I bled heavily and the doctor had to sew me inside out
Cervical tear? HV not hrd of it bfr. Chelsea did u just say inside out??
God is awesome
One of the wonders of God to women
Oh dear, thanks
God 6
God is just too great.
God is just too great. Motherhood no be small thing.
The thought of a tear cringes one,.. lol.. helpful. .thanks for the post.
Cervix tear is not a joke or easy experience cus I was a living witness when I gave birth. I bleeded before d doctor had to sew me inside out n d pains was another thing entirely. So I don’t wish it for any mum.
tnx mim
o my goodness! do I want another baby?
currently I am still in pains after undergoing a 3rd degree tear! the pains just won’t go away after 6whole weeks!! I am in dire need of help and advice please.
noted. tnx
hmmmmmm thank you dearie