Dear MIMsters: Should I Go For IVF Now or Wait?

Should I go for IVF now or wait?
I dated my Husband for five years before we got married. I am 29, while he is 30. Three years into our relationship, we decided to get sexually active. We ran some tests, treated ourselves well before we became sexually active.
However, we found out that something may be wrong since I had never missed my period. He advised we see a doctor again to check what was wrong with us. While he was OK, we found out that I wasn’t ovulating.
I was placed on drugs for two cycles and learned about my fertile days and when to have sex to get pregnant but it still didn’t work. After trying for over a year, we decided to stop trying until we get married.
We got married eight months ago and I have visited a fertility specialist. Six months later, he advised we go for IVF which seems to be expensive. Hubby says we should go for it but due to the high cost, our building project will be kept on hold. Meanwhile, I think we should hold on with the IVF and to keep trying till next year but this seems to be too difficult for him.
This is really affecting us and I will like to hear your views as hubby will be reading too.
Go for it. After one then you continue your building project.